Tyler S. Harris

2020 Kinesiology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
"Tyler Harris"
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Harris TS, Smith AL, Boardley I. (2023) Morality- and Norm-Based Subgroups of Disability-Sport Athletes Differ on Their Anticipated Guilt and Intentions Toward Doping. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly : Apaq. 1-18
Harris TS, Crowley MM, Heller HM. (2022) Athlete doping confrontation efficacy and confrontation likelihood. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 65: 102370
Boardley ID, Smith AL, Ntoumanis N, et al. (2019) Perceptions of Coach Doping Confrontation Efficacy and Athlete Susceptibility to Intentional and Inadvertent Doping. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
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