James F. Allen | Computer Science, Linguistics Language | | | | |
Jennifer E. Arnold | psychology of language, linguistics, cognitive psychology | BCS | 2000 | 2004 | Michael Tannenhaus (post-doc) |
Douglas Barnett | Attachment, Reading & Language Development, Academic Readiness, Assessment, Child Maltreatment | | | | Dante Cicchetti (grad student) |
Klinton Bicknell | Behavior Cognition Language, Computational, Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Motor Control, Vision Science | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | 2013 | 2014 | T. Florian Jaeger (post-doc) |
Julie E. Boland | Psycholinguistics, eyetracking | | | 2004 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Sarah Brown-Schmidt | Psycholinguistics, discourse analysis | | 2000 | 2005 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Zachary James Burchill | Psycholinguistics | Brain and Cognitive Science | | | T. Florian Jaeger (grad student) |
Kathleen M. Carbary | psycholinguistics | School of Arts and Sciences | 2006 | 2011 | Natalie M. Klein (collaborator), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Gregory Norman Carlson | semantics | | | | |
Craig G. Chambers | Psycholinguistics | | | 2001 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Mark G. Core | Computer Science, Speech Communication | | | 2000 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Sarah C. Creel | psycholinguistics, temporal perception | | | 2005 | Richard N. Aslin (grad student) |
Michael D'Zmura | Vision, hearing, language, attention, brain imaging, brain-computer interfaces | | | | Peter Lennie (grad student) |
Joe Easterly | Digital Scholarship, Digital Humanities | | | | |
Alex B. Fine | psycholinguistics, syntax, morphology | School of Arts and Sciences School of Arts and Sciences | 2008 | 2013 | Christina S. Kim (collaborator), T. Florian Jaeger (grad student), Jeffrey Runner (grad student) |
Sara Finley | Cognitive Science, Lingusitic, Phonology | | 2008 | 2011 | Elissa Newport (post-doc) |
Austin F. Frank | psycholinguistics | | 2004 | 2011 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Scott Fraundorf | Psycholinguistics, discourse processes, metacognition | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | 2013 | 2014 | T. Florian Jaeger (post-doc) |
Bethany Gardner | psycholinguistics; pronouns; gender; sentence processing; singular they; | Brain & Cognitive Sciences | 2015 | 2018 | Chigusa Kurumada (research assistant) |
Jonathan M. Gordon | Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics Language, General Language | Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Mohammad Hafezi Manshadi | Computer Science, Linguistics Language | Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | | 2014 | Joyce M. McDonough (grad student), James F. Allen (grad student) |
Daphna Heller | Linguistics Language | Brain & Cognitive Sciences Brain & Cognitive Sciences | 2007 | 2008 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (post-doc), Jeffrey Runner (post-doc) |
Janet Hitzeman | | Linguistics | | 1993 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
Carla L. Hudson Kam | Acquisition, Developmental Psycholinguistics | | | 2003 | Jeffrey Runner (grad student), Elissa Newport (grad student) |
T. Florian Jaeger | psycholinguistics, speech perception, computational cognitive science | | | | |
Graham E. Katz | Linguistics Language, Technology of Education, English as a Second Language Education | Linguistics | | 1995 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
Christina S. Kim | linguistics, psycholinguistics | School of Arts and Sciences School of Arts and Sciences | 2007 | 2012 | Jeffrey Runner (grad student), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student), Kathleen M. Carbary (collaborator) |
Gene Louis Kim | | | 2015 | | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Natalie M. Klein | psycholinguistics | School of Arts and Sciences Linguistics | 2007 | 2012 | T. Florian Jaeger (collaborator), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student), Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
Chigusa Kurumada | | | | | |
Adrienne Lehrer | Lexical Semantics, Pragmatics | | | 1968 | Donald Reiff (grad student) |
Xiao Lu | | Linguistics | | 2000 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
James S. Magnuson | Psycholinguistics | | 1995 | 2001 | Mary M. Hayhoe (grad student), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student), Richard N. Aslin (grad student) |
Sally McConnell-Ginet | Semantics, Language and Gender | | | 1973 | Adrienne Lehrer (grad student) |
Joyce M. McDonough | Computer Science, Linguistics Language | | | | |
Toben H. Mintz | language acquisition | | | 1996 | Elissa Newport (grad student), Thomas G. Bever (grad student) |
Fabrizio Morbini | Computer Science | | | 2009 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Proshanto Mukherji | Computer Science | | | 2006 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Elissa Newport | | | | | |
Jared M. Novick | Language and Cognitive control | | | 1998 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (research assistant) |
Asia Pietraszko | syntax, morphology | | | | |
Massimo Poesio | Computational linguistics, definite descriptions, anaphora, formal semantics | | | 1994 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Amanda Pogue | Developmental Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Cognitive Development, Conceptual Development | | 2013 | | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Keith Rayner | Eye Movements, Reading, Visual Cognition, Language Processing | | | | |
Patricia A. Reeder | Language Acquisition | | 2005 | 2010 | Richard N. Aslin (grad student), Elissa Newport (grad student) |
Donald Reiff | | | | | |
Jeffrey Runner | syntax, psycholinguistics | | | | |
David Ruskin | language development | | 2007 | | Elissa Newport (grad student) |
Jenny R. Saffran | Developmental Psychology | | | | Elissa Newport (grad student) |
Murray Schellenberg | Linguistics,ethnomusicology | | | | |
Lenhart K. Schubert | Computer Science, Linguistics Language | | | | |
Amon B. Seagull | Computer Science | | | 2000 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Julie Sedivy | Psycholinguistics | | 1991 | 1997 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Annie Senghas | Sign language, language acquisition | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | 1995 | 1998 | Elissa Newport (post-doc) |
Mohinish Shukla | Cognition, Brain imaging, Language | | 2000 | 2007 | Jacques Mehler (grad student), Richard N. Aslin (post-doc) |
Beverly Spejewski | | Linguistics | | 1994 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
Michael J. Spivey | Psycholinguistics, Eye Tracking, Dynamic Systems | | 1991 | 1996 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student), Mary M. Hayhoe (grad student) |
LaChelle Stewart | | | | | |
Rachel S. Sussman | Psycholinguistics | Linguistics Brain and Cognitive Sciences | | 2006 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student), Michael K. Tanenhaus (grad student) |
Michael K. Tanenhaus | Language Processing, Eye-Movements | | | | |
Michael Tannenhaus | | | | | |
Benjamin D. Van Durme | Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science | | | 2009 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |
Siddharth Vashishtha | | Computer Science | 2019 | | Aaron Steven White (grad student) |
Duane G. Watson | Psycholinguistics, discourse processes | Brain and Cognitive Sciences | 2002 | 2005 | Michael K. Tanenhaus (post-doc) |
Aaron Steven White | semantics, computational linguistics, first language acquisition | | | | |
Roberto Zamparelli | Formal Semantics, Syntax/Semantics interface, DIstributional Semantics | | 1988 | 1995 | Gregory Norman Carlson (grad student) |
Teresa M. Zollo | Computer Science, Speech Pathology | | | 2003 | Lenhart K. Schubert (grad student) |