Carol A. Fowler
Affiliations: | Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, United States |
language, speech, reading, perceptionGoogle:
"Carol Fowler"Cross-listing: Neurotree - CSD Tree
Sign in to add mentorAlvin M. Liberman | grad student | Haskins Laboratories (Neurotree) | |
Michael T. Turvey | grad student | Haskins Laboratories (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeSusan Elaine Dutch | grad student | University of Connecticut & Haskins Laboratories (PsychTree) | |
Lawrence D. Rosenblum | grad student | (PsychTree) | |
Xin Xie | grad student | (Neurotree) | |
Jennifer S. Pardo | grad student | 2000 | Yale (Neurotree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Shankweiler D, Fowler CA. (2019) Relations Between Reading and Speech Manifest Universal Phonological Principle Annual Review of Linguistics. 5: 109-129 |
Tobin SJ, Nam H, Fowler CA. (2017) Phonetic drift in Spanish-English bilinguals: Experiment and a self-organizing model. Journal of Phonetics. 65: 45-59 |
Fowler CA. (2016) Meaning in Phonology and Other Departures from Modularity in the Living Language Psychology of Language and Communication. 20: 112-129 |
Fowler CA, Hodges B. (2016) Finding common ground: Alternatives to code models for language use New Ideas in Psychology. 42: 1-6 |
Fowler CA, Shankweiler D, Studdert-Kennedy M. (2015) Perception of the Speech Code Revisited: Speech Is Alphabetic After All. Psychological Review |
Shankweiler D, Fowler CA. (2015) Seeking a reading machine for the blind and discovering the speech code. History of Psychology. 18: 78-99 |
Fowler CA. (2014) Talking as doing: Language forms and public language. New Ideas in Psychology. 32 |
Rimzhim A, Katz L, Fowler CA. (2014) Brāhmī-derived orthographies are typologically āksharik but functionally predominantly alphabetic Writing Systems Research. 6: 41-53 |
Meagher BR, Fowler CA. (2014) Embedded articulation: Shifts in location influence speech production Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 29: 561-567 |
Xie X, Fowler CA. (2013) Listening with a foreign-accent: The interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit in Mandarin speakers of English. Journal of Phonetics. 41 |