Jane Chandlee, Ph.D.

2014 Linguistics University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
Phonology, Computational Linguistics
"Jane Chandlee"


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Jeffrey N. Heinz grad student 2014 University of Delaware
 (Strictly local phonological processes.)
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Chandlee J, Jardine A. (2019) Autosegmental Input Strictly Local Functions Transactions of the Association For Computational Linguistics. 7: 157-168
Chandlee J, Heinz J. (2018) Strict Locality and Phonological Maps Linguistic Inquiry. 49: 23-60
Chandlee J, Heinz J, Jardine A. (2018) Input Strictly Local opaque maps Phonology. 35: 171-205
Chandlee J. (2017) Computational locality in morphological maps Morphology. 27: 599-641
Fu J, Tanner HG, Heinz JN, et al. (2015) Symbolic planning and control using game theory and grammatical inference Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 37: 378-391
Fu J, Tanner HG, Heinz J, et al. (2014) Adaptive symbolic control for finite-state transition systems with grammatical inference Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control. 59: 505-511
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