Erica M. Ellis, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2013 | Language and Communications Disorders | San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, United States |
Child language acquisition, specific language impairmentGoogle:
"Erica Ellis"Parents
Sign in to add mentorGedeon O. Deák | grad student | UCSD (Neurotree) | ||
Jeffrey L. Elman | grad student | University of California, San Diego / San Diego State University (Neurotree) | ||
Julia L. Evans | grad student | 2013 | San Diego State University | |
(Lexical and Cognitive Processing in Early Language Delay.) |
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De Anda S, Ellis EM, Mejia NC. (2022) Learning Words in Two Languages: Manipulating Exemplar Variability for Within- and Cross-Language Generalization. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-15 |
Ellis EM, Borovsky A, Elman JL, et al. (2021) Toddlers' Ability to Leverage Statistical Information to Support Word Learning. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 600694 |
Borovsky A, Ellis EM, Evans JL, et al. (2016) Semantic Structure in Vocabulary Knowledge Interacts With Lexical and Sentence Processing in Infancy. Child Development |
Billings CJ, Penman TM, Ellis EM, et al. (2016) Phoneme and Word Scoring in Speech-in-Noise Audiometry. American Journal of Audiology. 1-9 |
Borovsky A, Ellis EM, Evans JL, et al. (2015) Lexical leverage: category knowledge boosts real-time novel word recognition in 2-year-olds. Developmental Science |
Ellis EM, Borovsky A, Elman JL, et al. (2015) Novel word learning: An eye-tracking study. Are 18-month-old late talkers really different from their typical peers? Journal of Communication Disorders |
Antón-Méndez I, Ellis EM, Coventry W, et al. (2015) Markers of success: A study of twins' instructed second language acquisition Learning and Individual Differences. 42: 44-52 |
Ellis EM, Gonzalez MR, Deák GO. (2014) Visual Prediction in Infancy: What is the Association with Later Vocabulary? Language Learning and Development. 10: 36-50 |
Ellis EM, Thal DJ. (2008) Early Language Delay and Risk for Language Impairment Perspectives On Language Learning and Education. 15: 93-100 |