Sarah Kendzior, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Anthropology | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
sociocultural anthropology, comparative social studies of IslamGoogle:
"Sarah Kendzior"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJohn Bowen | grad student | 2012 | Washington University | |
(The Uzbek Opposition in Exile: Diaspora and Dissident Politics in the Digital Age.) |
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Kendzior S. (2015) “Recognize the Spies”: Transparency and Political Power in Uzbek Cyberspace Social Analysis. 59: 50-65 |
Pearce KE, Freelon D, Kendzior S. (2014) The effect of the internet civic engagement under authoritarianism: The case of Azerbaijan First Monday. 19 |
Kendzior S. (2013) Reclaiming ma’naviyat: Morality, criminality, and dissident politics in Uzbekistan Ethnographies of the State in Central Asia: Performing Politics. 223-242 |
Pearce KE, Kendzior S. (2012) Networked Authoritarianism and Social Media in Azerbaijan Journal of Communication. 62: 283-298 |
Kendzior S. (2011) Digital distrust: Uzbek cynicism and solidarity in the Internet Age American Ethnologist. 38: 559-575 |
Kendzior S. (2010) A reporter without borders: Internet politics and state violence in Uzbekistan Problems of Post-Communism. 57: 40-50 |
Kendzior S. (2007) Poetry of witness: Uzbek identity and the response to Andijon Central Asian Survey. 26: 317-334 |
Kendzior S. (2006) Inventing Akromiya: The role of Uzbek propagandists in the Andijon massacre Demokratizatsiya. 14: 545-562 |
Kendzior S. (2006) Redefining religion: Uzbek Atheist propaganda in Gorbachev-era Uzbekistan Nationalities Papers. 34: 533-548 |