Beatrice Gardner
Affiliations: | University of Nevada at Reno, Reno, NV, United States |
Animal Behavior, Teaching Sign Language to ChimpanzeesGoogle:
"Beatrice Gardner"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeKaren Elizabeth Wills | grad student | 1976-1978 | University of Nevada at Reno (Neurotree) |
Patrick Drumm | grad student | 1977-1984 | University of Nevada at Reno (Neurotree) |
R. Allen Gardner | grad student | 1978-1986 | Fayetteville State University |
Thomas E. Van Cantfort | grad student | 1978-1986 | University of Nevada at Reno (Neurotree) |
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Gardner RA, Gardner BT. (1996) On the Side of the Angels Contemporary Psychology: a Journal of Reviews. 41: 682-684 |
Gardner RA, Van Cantfort TE, Gardner BT. (1992) Categorical replies to categorical questions by cross-fostered chimpanzees. The American Journal of Psychology. 105: 27-57 |
Gardner BT, Gardner RA. (1991) Chimp-Language Wars Science. 252: 1046-1046 |
Gardner RA, Gardner BT. (1991) Absence of evidence and evidence of absence Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 14: 558-560 |
Gardner R, Gardner B. (1990) A Vocabulary Test for Cross-Fostered Chimpanzees Seminars in Speech and Language. 11: 119-131 |
Gardner B, Gardner R. (1990) Teaching Sign Language to Cross-Fostered Chimpanzees Seminars in Speech and Language. 11: 100-118 |
Gardner BT, Gardner RA. (1989) Beyond Pavlovian classical conditioning Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 12: 143-144 |
Gardner RA, Gardner BT. (1989) Early signs of language in cross-fostered chimpanzees Human Evolution. 4: 337-365 |
Gardner RA, Gardner BT. (1988) Truth or consequences Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 11: 479 |
Gardner RA, Gardner BT. (1988) Feedforward versus feedbackward: An ethological alternative to the law of effect Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 11: 429 |