Adamantios Gafos

New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Linguistics Language
"Adamantios Gafos"


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Ann S. Delilkan grad student 2002 NYU
Young-Kook Kwon grad student 2003 NYU
Stefan Benus grad student 2005 NYU
Jason A. Shaw grad student 2010 NYU
Kevin D. Roon grad student 2013 NYU
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Ghaffarvand Mokari P, Gafos A, Williams D. (2022) Perceptuomotor compatibility effects in vowels: Effects of consonantal context and acoustic proximity of response and distractor. Jasa Express Letters. 1: 015204
Gafos A, van Lieshout P. (2020) Editorial: Models and Theories of Speech Production. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 1238
Ghaffarvand Mokari P, Gafos A, Williams D. (2020) Perceptuomotor compatibility effects in vowels: Beyond phonemic identity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Höhle B, Fritzsche T, Meß K, et al. (2020) Only the right noise? Effects of phonetic and visual input variability on 14-month-olds' minimal pair word learning. Developmental Science. e12950
Bürki A, Viebahn M, Gafos A. (2020) Plasticity and transfer in the sound system: exposure to syllables in production or perception changes their subsequent production Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 1-23
Tobin S, Hullebus M, Gafos A. (2018) Immediate phonetic convergence in a cue-distractor paradigm. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 144: EL528
Williams D, Escudero P, Gafos A. (2018) Spectral change and duration as cues in Australian English listeners' front vowel categorization. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 144: EL215
Tamási K, McKean C, Gafos A, et al. (2018) Children's gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation. Journal of Child Language. 1-23
Tamási K, McKean C, Gafos A, et al. (2016) Pupillometry registers toddlers' sensitivity to degrees of mispronunciation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Roon KD, Gafos AI. (2016) Perceiving while producing: Modeling the dynamics of phonological planning. Journal of Memory and Language. 89: 222-243
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