Raymond W. Gibbs
Affiliations: | University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States |
"Raymond Gibbs"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add traineeMichael J. Spivey | research assistant | 1987-1991 | UC Santa Cruz |
Lacey Okonski | grad student | 2007- | UC Santa Cruz |
Teenie Matlock | grad student | 2001 | UC Santa Cruz |
Nicole L. Wilson | grad student | 1999-2005 | UC Santa Cruz |
Julia E. Lonergan | grad student | 2009 | UC Santa Cruz (Neurotree) |
Marcus Perlman | grad student | 2005-2010 | UC Santa Cruz |
Laura M. Morett | grad student | 2010-2012 | UC Santa Cruz |
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Gibbs RW. (2023) Pragmatic complexity in metaphor interpretation. Cognition. 237: 105455 |
Colston HL, Gibbs RW. (2021) Figurative language communicates directly because it precisely demonstrates what we mean. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale |
Gibbs RW, Colston HL. (2020) Pragmatics Always Matters: An Expanded Vision of Experimental Pragmatics. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 1619 |
Gibbs RW. (2019) Metaphor as Dynamical–Ecological Performance Metaphor and Symbol. 34: 33-44 |
Gibbs RW, Colston HL. (2019) What psycholinguistic studies ignore about literary experience Scientific Study of Literature. 9: 72-103 |
Okonski L, Gibbs RW. (2019) Diving into the wreck: Can people resist allegorical meaning? Journal of Pragmatics. 141: 28-43 |
Gibbs RW. (2018) Money talks because people move: Embodied metaphors in economic action Society and Economy. 40: 349-364 |
Gibbs RW, Samermit P, Karzmark CR. (2018) Humor, irony, and the body Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 16: 72-96 |
Gibbs RW, Chen E. (2018) Metaphor and the automatic mind Metaphor and the Social World. 8: 40-63 |
Samermit P, Gibbs RW. (2016) Humor, the body, and cognitive linguistics Cognitive Linguistic Studies. 3: 32-49 |