Joan L. Bybee
Affiliations: | University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States |
Child language acquisition, phonologyWebsite:
"Joan Bybee"Cross-listing: CSD Tree
Sign in to add mentorSandra A. Thompson | grad student | |||
Theo Vennemann | grad student | University of Munich | ||
Paul Schachter | grad student | 1973 | UCLA | |
(Dissertation: Aspects of natural generative phonology (attested on |
Sign in to add traineeEdith L. Bavin | grad student | SUNY Buffalo | |
Clayton Beckner | grad student | ||
Maria Bernadete Marques Abaurre | grad student | 1972-1979 | SUNY Buffalo |
Martin Haspelmath | grad student | 1987-1988 | SUNY Buffalo |
Joanne Scheibman | grad student | 2000 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Jacqueline E. Trademan | grad student | 2002 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Li-Hsiang Chang | grad student | 2003 | Univ. of New Mexico |
K. A. Smith | grad student | 2003 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Vsevolod Kapatsinski | grad student | 2005 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Dawn Nordquist | grad student | 2006 | Univ. of New Mexico |
BETA: Related publications
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Bybee J, Souza RND. (2019) Vowel duration in English adjectives in attributive and predicative constructions Language and Cognition. 11: 555-581 |
Bybee J. (2017) Grammatical and lexical factors in sound change: A usage-based approach Language Variation and Change. 29: 273-300 |
Bybee JL. (2012) Diachronic Linguistics The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics |
Bybee JL, Beckner C. (2012) Usage-Based Theory The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis |
Beckner C, Bybee J. (2009) A usage-based account of constituency and reanalysis Language Learning. 59: 27-46 |
Beckner C, Blythe R, Bybee J, et al. (2009) Language is a complex adaptive system: Position paper Language Learning. 59: 1-26 |
Bybee J, Torres R. (2008) Phonological and Grammatical Variation in Exemplar Models Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. 1: 399-414 |
McClelland JL, Bybee J. (2007) Gradience of Gradience: A reply to Jackendoff Linguistic Review. 24: 437-455 |
Bybee J. (2007) Adele Goldberg, Constructions at work: The nature of generalization in language . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Pp. 280. ISBN 0-19-9-268517 and 0-19-9-268525 (pbk). Journal of Child Language. 34: 692-697 |
Bybee JL. (2006) From Usage to Grammar: The Mind's Response to Repetition Language. 82: 711-733 |