Stephen R. Anderson

Linguistics Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Stephen Anderson"


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Morris Halle grad student MIT


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Leandro Bolaños grad student Yale
Gregg Castellucci grad student Yale (Neurotree)
Sandra Chung grad student Harvard
John Colarusso grad student Harvard
Brent Dechene grad student UCLA
Adamantios Gafos grad student Johns Hopkins
Julia Horvath grad student Yale
Lizanne Kaiser grad student Yale
Ellen M. Kaisse grad student Harvard
Ryan Kasak grad student Yale
Sharon Klein grad student UCLA
Scott Nathanael McClure grad student Yale
E-Ching Ng grad student Yale
Robert Vago grad student Harvard
K. David D. Harrison grad student 1994-2000 Yale
Erich R. Round grad student 2009 Yale
BETA: Related publications


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Anderson SR. (2019) The first biolinguist? Historiographia Linguistica. 46: 57-72
Anderson SR. (2016) Words and Paradigms: Peter H. Matthews and the Development of Morphological Theory Transactions of the Philological Society. 115: 1-13
Anderson SR. (2008) The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory Language. 84: 795-814
Anderson S. (2007) Aspects of the Theory of Clitics Aspects of the Theory of Clitics. 1-328
Anderson SR. (2006) Language Evolution (review) Language. 82: 894-898
Anderson SR, Lightfoot DW. (2006) Biology and language: A response to Everett (2005) Journal of Linguistics. 42: 377-383
Anderson SR. (2005) The Indigenous Languages of the Caucasus (review) Language. 81: 993-996
Anderson SR. (2001) Why linguistics needs the cognitive scientist. Psychiatry. 64: 11-3
Anderson SR, Lightfoot DW. (2000) The human language faculty as an organ. Annual Review of Physiology. 62: 697-722
Anderson SR. (1984) On representations in morphology case, agreement and inversion in Georgian Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 2: 157-218
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