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Noel E. LaSeur grad student 1965 Florida State (Meteorology Tree)
 (The distribution and depth of convective clouds over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, as determined from meteorological satellite and other data.)
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Varble A, Morrison H, Zipser E. (2020) Effects of Under-Resolved Convective Dynamics on the Evolution of a Squall Line Monthly Weather Review. 148: 289-311
Liu N, Liu C, Chen B, et al. (2020) What Are the Favorable Large-Scale Environments for the Highest-Flash-Rate Thunderstorms on Earth? Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 77: 1583-1612
Alvey GR, Zipser E, Zawislak J. (2020) How does Hurricane Edouard (2014) evolve toward symmetry before rapid intensification? A high-resolution ensemble study Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 77: 1329-1351
Ni X, Liu C, Zipser E. (2019) Ice Microphysical Properties near the Tops of Deep Convective Cores Implied by the GPM Dual-Frequency Radar Observations Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 76: 2899-2917
Garstang M, Zipser E, Ellingson R, et al. (2019) Three Early Tropical Field Experiments Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 100: 2243-2258
Bang SD, Zipser EJ. (2019) Tropical Oceanic Thunderstorms Near Kwajalein and the Roles of Evolution, Organization, and Forcing in Their Electrification Journal of Geophysical Research. 124: 544-562
Gingrey A, Varble A, Zipser E. (2018) Relationships between Extreme Rain Rates and Convective Intensities from the Perspectives of TRMM and WSR-88D Radars Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 57: 1353-1369
Jiang H, Zagrodnik JP, Tao C, et al. (2018) Classifying Precipitation Types in Tropical Cyclones Using the NRL 37 GHz Color Product Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 123: 5509-5524
Stanford MW, Varble A, Zipser E, et al. (2017) A ubiquitous ice size bias in simulations of tropical deep convection Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 17: 9599-9621
Zawislak J, Jiang H, Alvey GR, et al. (2016) Observations of the structure and evolution of Hurricane Edouard (2014) during intensity change. Part I: Relationship between the thermodynamic structure and precipitation Monthly Weather Review. 144: 3333-3354
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