Sabine Iatridou

Linguistics and Philosophy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Sabine Iatridou"


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Noam Chomsky grad student MIT


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Julie Auger grad student Penn
Rajesh Bhatt grad student Penn
Enrico Flor grad student MIT
Pritty Patel-Grosz grad student MIT
Omer Preminger grad student
Andrés Pablo Salanova grad student MIT
David Embick grad student 1997 Penn
Roumyana I. Pancheva grad student 2000 Penn
Meltem Kelepir grad student 2001 MIT
Julie Anne Legate grad student 2002 MIT
Bridget Copley grad student 1996-2002 MIT
Bronwyn M. Bjorkman grad student 2011
Naomi Francis grad student 2014-2019 MIT


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Kai von Fintel collaborator MIT
BETA: Related publications


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Iatridou S. (2014) About determiners on event descriptions, about time being like space (when we talk), and about one particularly strange construction Natural Language Semantics. 22: 219-263
Von Fintel K, Iatridou S. (2007) Anatomy of a modal construction Linguistic Inquiry. 38: 445-483
Von Fintel K, Iatridou S. (2003) Epistemic containment Linguistic Inquiry. 34: 173-198
Iatridou S. (2000) The grammatical ingredients of counterfactuality Linguistic Inquiry. 31: 231-270
Iatridou S, Embick D. (1997) Apropos pro Language. 73: 58-78
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