Joan W. Bresnan

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Joan Bresnan"


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Noam Chomsky grad student 1972 Stanford


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Mary Dalrymple grad student
Cathryn Donohue grad student
Christopher Manning grad student (E-Tree)
Rachel Nordlinger grad student Stanford
Jane Grimshaw grad student 1977 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Carol Neidle grad student 1983 MIT
Yehuda Falk grad student 1984 MIT
Hanjung Lee grad student 2001 Stanford
Ida E. Toivonen grad student 2001 Stanford
T. Florian Jaeger grad student 2001-2002 Stanford
Steven Pinker post-doc Stanford
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Szmrecsanyi B, Grafmiller J, Bresnan J, et al. (2017) Spoken syntax in a comparative perspective: The dative and genitive alternation in varieties of English Glossa: a Journal of General Linguistics. 2: 86
Bresnan J. (2016) Linguistics: The garden and the bush* Computational Linguistics. 42: 599-617
Wolk C, Bresnan J, Rosenbach A, et al. (2013) Dative and genitive variability in Late Modern English: Exploring cross-constructional variation and change Diachronica. 30: 382-419
de Marneffe MC, Grimm S, Arnon I, et al. (2012) A statistical model of the grammatical choices in child production of dative sentences Language and Cognitive Processes. 27: 25-61
Kuperman V, Bresnan J. (2012) The effects of construction probability on word durations during spontaneous incremental sentence production Journal of Memory and Language. 66: 588-611
Kendall T, Bresnan J, Van Herk G. (2011) The dative alternation in African American English: Researching syntactic variation and change across sociolinguistic datasets Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. 7: 229-244
Bresnan J, Ford M. (2010) Predicting syntax: Processing dative constructions in American and Australian varieties of English Language. 86: 168-213
Tily H, Gahl S, Arnon I, et al. (2009) Syntactic probabilities affect pronunciation variation in spontaneous speech Language and Cognition. 1: 147-165
Roberts SJ, Bresnan J. (2008) Retained inflectional morphology in pidgins: A typological study Linguistic Typology. 12: 269-302
Bresnan J, Hay J. (2008) Gradient grammar: An effect of animacy on the syntax of give in New Zealand and American English Lingua. 118: 245-259
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