Jill P. Morford
Affiliations: | University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States |
Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Early Childhood Education, Linguistics LanguageGoogle:
"Jill Morford"Children
Sign in to add traineeBenjamin Anible | grad student | Univ. of New Mexico | |
Bethany B. Muller | grad student | 2006 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Clayton Beckner | grad student | 2013 | Univ. of New Mexico |
Corrine Occhino | grad student | 2016 | Univ. of New Mexico |
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Sutton A, Trudeau N, Morford JP, et al. (2022) Expressive and receptive performance with graphic symbol sentences by individuals who use aided communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985). 1-13 |
Tomaszewski P, Krzysztofiak P, Morford JP, et al. (2022) Effects of Age-of-Acquisition on Proficiency in Polish Sign Language: Insights to the Critical Period Hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 896339 |
Bosworth RG, Binder EM, Tyler SC, et al. (2021) Automaticity of lexical access in deaf and hearing bilinguals: Cross-linguistic evidence from the color Stroop task across five languages. Cognition. 212: 104659 |
Villwock A, Wilkinson E, Piñar P, et al. (2021) Language development in deaf bilinguals: Deaf middle school students co-activate written English and American Sign Language during lexical processing. Cognition. 211: 104642 |
Wilkinson E, Morford JP. (2020) How Bilingualism Contributes to Healthy Development in Deaf Children: A Public Health Perspective. Maternal and Child Health Journal |
Sutton A, Trudeau N, Morford JP, et al. (2020) Expressive and receptive use of speech and graphic symbols by typically developing children: What skills contribute to performance on structured sentence-level tasks? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1-13 |
Hou L, Morford JP. (2020) Using signed language collocations to investigate acquisition: A commentary on Ambridge (2020): Language. 14272372090807 |
OCCHINO C, ANIBLE B, MORFORD JP. (2020) The role of iconicity, construal, and proficiency in the online processing of handshape Language and Cognition. 12: 114-137 |
Morford JP, Occhino C, Zirnstein M, et al. (2019) What is the Source of Bilingual Cross-Language Activation in Deaf Bilinguals? Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education |
Morford JP, Shaffer B, Shin N, et al. (2019) An Exploratory Study of ASL Demonstratives Languages. 4: 80 |