Amit Almor

Linguistics University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
Linguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology
"Amit Almor"
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Luce K, Almor A. (2023) Inconsistency in perspective-taking during comprehension. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Rann JC, Almor A. (2022) Effects of verbal tasks on driving simulator performance. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 7: 12
van Dam WO, Almor A, Shinkareva SV, et al. (2019) Distinct neural mechanisms underlying conceptual knowledge of manner and instrument verbs. Neuropsychologia. 107183
Boiteau TW, Smith C, Almor A. (2019) Rightward directional bias in art produced by cultures without a written language. Laterality. 1-12
CHENG W, ALMOR A. (2018) A Bayesian approach to establishing coreference in second language discourse: Evidence from implicit causality and consequentiality verbs Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 22: 456-475
Almor A, Nair VA, Boiteau TW, et al. (2017) The N400 in processing repeated name and pronoun anaphors in sentences and discourse. Brain and Language. 173: 52-66
Boiteau TW, Smith C, Almor A. (2017) Syntax response-space biases for hands, not feet. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Almor A, de Carvalho Maia J, Cunha Lima ML, et al. (2017) Language processing, acceptability, and statistical distribution: A study of null and overt subjects in Brazilian Portuguese Journal of Memory and Language. 92: 98-113
Conder J, Fridriksson J, Baylis GC, et al. (2016) Bilateral parietal contributions to spatial language. Brain and Language. 164: 16-24
de Carvalho Maia J, Vernice M, Gelormini-Lezama C, et al. (2016) Co-referential Processing of Pronouns and Repeated Names in Italian. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
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