Samuel D. Bond, Ph.D.

2007 Business Administration Duke University, Durham, NC 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Samuel Bond"


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James Ross Bettman grad student 2007 Duke
 (How should I think about it? Perceived suitability and the resolution of simultaneous conflicting preferences.)
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Hair ML, Bond SD. (2018) Attribute Dismissal and Valence Effects in Preferential Decision Processing Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 31: 164-178
Yin D, Bond SD, Zhang H. (2017) Keep Your Cool or Let It Out: Nonlinear Effects of Expressed Arousal on Perceptions of Consumer Reviews Journal of Marketing Research. 54: 447-463
He SX, Bond SD. (2015) Why is the crowd divided? Attribution for dispersion in online word of mouth Journal of Consumer Research. 41: 1509-1527
Bajaj A, Bond SD. (2015) Beyond beauty: Design symmetry and brand personality The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Appeal. 107-120
Yin D, Bond SD, Zhang H. (2014) Anxious or angry? Effects of discrete emotions on the perceived helpfulness of online reviews Mis Quarterly: Management Information Systems. 38: 539-560
He SX, Bond SD. (2013) Word-of-mouth and the forecasting of consumption enjoyment Journal of Consumer Psychology. 23: 464-482
Bond SD, Carlson KA, Keeney RL. (2010) Improving the generation of decision objectives Decision Analysis. 7: 238-255
Bond SD, Bettman JR, Luce MF. (2009) Consumer judgment from a dual-systems perspective: Recent evidence and emerging issues Review of Marketing Research. 5: 3-37
Bond SD, Carlson KA, Keeney RL. (2008) Generating objectives: Can decision makers articulate what they want? Management Science. 54: 56-70
Bond SD, Carlson KA, Meloy MG, et al. (2007) Information distortion in the evaluation of a single option Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 102: 240-254
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