Elizabeth A. Bates

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Language, Aphasia, Development, Gesture, Cognition, Crosslinguistic
"Elizabeth Bates"

d. 12/13/03

Cross-listing: Neurotree - CSD Tree


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David McNeill grad student 1974 Chicago


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Corby L. Dale research assistant 1992-1993 UCSD (Neurotree)
Marjorie Beeghly grad student CU Boulder (Neurotree)
Catherine Caldwell-Harris grad student UCSD
Ayse Pinar Saygin grad student UCSD (Neurotree)
Cecilia Shore grad student 1981 (Neurotree)
J. Steven Reznick grad student 1982 CU Boulder (Neurotree)
Christine Fennema-Notestine grad student 1990-1995 UCSD (Neurotree)
Arturo E. Hernandez grad student 1991-1996 UCSD
Kara D. Federmeier grad student 1994-2000 UCSD
Katherine V. Roe grad student 2002 UCSD (Neurotree)
Nitya Sethuraman grad student 2002 UCSD
Nitya Sethuraman grad student 2002 UCSD
Nicole Y. Y. Wicha grad student 1995-2002 UCSD
Jennifer A. Jahn-Samilo grad student 2003 UCSD (Neurotree)
Frederic K. Dick grad student 1996-2003 UCSD (Neurotree)
Roberto R. Heredia post-doc Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD
Ping Li post-doc Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD
Laura-Ann Petitto post-doc UCSD
Jyotsna Vaid post-doc 1983-1986 UCSD
Virginia A Marchman post-doc 1986-1991 UCSD (Neurotree)
Katie Alcock post-doc 1998-2000 UCSD (Neurotree)


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Nina Dronkers collaborator (Neurotree)
Jeffrey L. Elman collaborator UCSD (Neurotree)
Brian MacWhinney collaborator UCSD
Barbara L. Finlay collaborator 1995-2003 UCSD (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Wulfeck B, Bates E. (2013) Differential Sensitivity to Errors of Agreement and Word Order in Broca's Aphasia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 3: 258-72
Trauner DA, Eshagh K, Ballantyne AO, et al. (2013) Early language development after peri-natal stroke. Brain and Language. 127: 399-403
Arévalo AL, Lu CC, Huang LB, et al. (2011) Action and object processing in brain-injured speakers of Chinese. Neuropsychology. 25: 792-805
Rivera SM, Bates EA, Orozco-Figueroa A, et al. (2010) Spoken verb processing in Spanish: An analysis using a new online resource. Applied Psycholinguistics. 31: 29-57
Cummings A, Saygin AP, Bates E, et al. (2009) Infants' recognition of meaningful verbal and nonverbal sounds. Language Learning and Development : the Official Journal of the Society For Language Development. 5: 172-190
Borovsky A, Saygin AP, Bates E, et al. (2007) Lesion correlates of conversational speech production deficits. Neuropsychologia. 45: 2525-33
Dick F, Saygin AP, Galati G, et al. (2007) What is involved and what is necessary for complex linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory processing: evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging and lesion data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19: 799-816
Arévalo A, Perani D, Cappa SF, et al. (2007) Action and object processing in aphasia: from nouns and verbs to the effect of manipulability. Brain and Language. 100: 79-94
Arévalo A, Perani D, Cappa S, et al. (2007) Erratum to “Action and object processing in aphasia: From nouns and verbs to the effect of manipulability” [Brain Lang. 100 (2007) 79–94] Brain and Language. 102: 284
Saccuman MC, Cappa SF, Bates EA, et al. (2006) The impact of semantic reference on word class: an fMRI study of action and object naming. Neuroimage. 32: 1865-78
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