Anne-Jose Villeneuve, Ph.D.

2011-2015 French University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 2015- Faculté Saint-Jean University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
Sociolinguistics, phonology
"Anne-Jose Villeneuve"
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Valdman A, Villeneuve AJ, Siegel JF. (2015) On the influence of the standard norm of Haitian Creole on the Cap Haïtien dialect: Evidence from sociolinguistic variation in the third person singular pronoun Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. 30: 1-43
Villeneuve AJ, Auger J. (2013) Chtileu qu'i m'freumereu m'bouque i n'est point coér au monne': Grammatical variation and diglossia in Picardie? Journal of French Language Studies. 23: 109-133
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