Bruce Hayes, PhD
Affiliations: | Linguistics | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
Phonology, phonetics, metrics, learnabilityGoogle:
"Bruce Hayes"Children
Sign in to add traineeClaire Moore-Cantwell | research assistant | ||
Dustin Bowers | grad student | UCLA | |
Matthew Gordon | grad student | ||
Michael Hammond | grad student | UCLA | |
James White | grad student | UCLA | |
Kie R. Zuraw | grad student | UCLA | |
Lee Bickmore | grad student | 1989 | UCLA |
Hiroyuki Nagahara | grad student | 1994 | UCLA |
Marco Baroni | grad student | 2000 | UCLA |
Adam C. Albright | grad student | 2002 | UCLA |
Alexander I. MacBride | grad student | 2003 | UCLA |
Shabnam Shademan | grad student | 2007 | UCLA (Neurotree) |
Sameer ud Dowla Khan | grad student | 2005-2008 | UCLA |
Roy Becker-Kristal | grad student | 2010 | UCLA |
Ingvar P. Lofstedt | grad student | 2010 | UCLA |
Kevin Ryan | grad student | 2011 | UCLA |
Victoria A. Thatte | grad student | 2011 | UCLA |
Laura McPherson | grad student | 2014 | UCLA |
Michael Lefkowitz | grad student | 2017 | UCLA |
Yu Tanaka | grad student | 2017 | UCLA |
Jesse Zymet | grad student | 2018 | UCLA |
Canaan Breiss | grad student | 2016-2021 | UCLA |
BETA: Related publications
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Breiss C, Hayes B. (2020) Phonological markedness effects in sentence formation: Supplemental Material Language. 96 |
Breiss C, Hayes B. (2020) Phonological markedness effects in sentence formation Language. 96: 338-370 |
Zuraw K, Hayes B. (2017) Intersecting constraint families: An argument for harmonic grammar: Supplementary Material Language. 93 |
Zuraw K, Hayes B. (2017) Intersecting constraint families: An argument for harmonic grammar Language. 93: 497-548 |
McPherson L, Hayes B. (2016) Relating application frequency to morphological structure: the case of Tommo So vowel harmony * Phonology. 33: 125-167 |
Hayes B, White J. (2015) Saltation and the P-map Phonology. 32: 267-302 |
White C, Groenewold JJ, Lofgren RP, et al. (2013) Re:imagine: a report on the UHC Annual Conference 2012. American Journal of Medical Quality : the Official Journal of the American College of Medical Quality. 28: 3S-28S |
Hayes B, White J. (2013) Phonological Naturalness and Phonotactic Learning Linguistic Inquiry. 44: 45-75 |
Hayes B, Wilson C, Shisko A. (2012) Maxent grammars for the metrics of Shakespeare and Milton Language. 88: 691-731 |
Hayes B, Moore-Cantwell C. (2011) Gerard Manley Hopkins' sprung rhythm: Corpus study and stochastic grammar Phonology. 28: 235-282 |