Sachiko Aoshima, Ph.D.

American University, Washington, DC, United States 
"Sachiko Aoshima"


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Colin Phillips grad student 2000-2003 University of Maryland
 (The grammar and parsing of wh -dependencies.)
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Aoshima S, Yoshida M, Phillips C. (2009) Incremental processing of coreference and binding in Japanese Syntax. 12: 93-134
Lieberman M, Aoshima S, Phillips C. (2006) Native biases in generation of Wh-questions by nonnative speakers of Japanese Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 28: 423-448
Aoshima S, Phillips C, Weinberg A. (2004) Processing filler-gap dependencies in a head-final language Journal of Memory and Language. 51: 23-54
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