Masaya Yoshida, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Linguistics | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
Psycholinguistics, SyntaxGoogle:
"Masaya Yoshida"Parents
Sign in to add mentorColin Phillips | grad student | 2001-2006 | University of Maryland | |
(Constraints and mechanisms in long -distance dependency formation.) |
Sign in to add traineeAustin D Keen | grad student | Northwestern | |
Honglei Wang | grad student | 2012 | Northwestern |
Lauren M Ackerman | grad student | 2015 | Northwestern |
Michael Frazier | grad student | 2015 | Northwestern |
David Potter | grad student | 2017 | Northwestern |
Nayoun Kim | grad student | 2019 | Northwestern |
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Kim H, Orth W, Yoshida M. (2024) EXPRESS: Incremental Structure Building in the Processing of Ellipsis. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218241280567 |
Kim N, Wellwood A, Yoshida M. (2024) EXPRESS: Processing Wh-filler-gap Dependencies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218241231872 |
Lukic S, Krauska A, Yoshida M, et al. (2023) The role of category ambiguity in normal and impaired lexical processing: can you without the ? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 17: 1028378 |
Kim N, Carlson K, Dickey MW, et al. (2020) Author accepted manuscript: Processing Gapping: Parallelism and Grammatical Constraints. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021820903461 |
Kim N, Brehm L, Sturt P, et al. (2019) How long can you hold the filler: maintenance and retrieval Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 17-42 |
Ackerman L, Frazier M, Yoshida M. (2018) Resumptive Pronouns Can Ameliorate Illicit Island Extractions Linguistic Inquiry. 49: 847-859 |
Kim N, Brehm L, Yoshida M. (2018) The online processing of noun phrase ellipsis and mechanisms of antecedent retrieval Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 34: 190-213 |
Yoshida M, Potter D, Hunter T. (2018) Condition C reconstruction, clausal ellipsis and island repair Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 37: 1515-1544 |
Potter D, Frazier M, Yoshida M. (2017) A two-source hypothesis for Gapping Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 35: 1123-1160 |
Frazier M, Ackerman L, Baumann P, et al. (2015) Wh-filler-gap dependency formation guides reflexive antecedent search. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1504 |