Kathryn D. Rettig

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Kathryn Rettig"


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Zha B. Xiong grad student 2000 UMN
Kerry L. Kriener-Althen grad student 2002 UMN
Sungeun Yang grad student 2002 UMN
Kathrine C. Daniels grad student 2004 UMN
Jenet I. Jacob grad student 2007 UMN
Margaret Andrews grad student 2010 UMN
Teik-Cheok J. Loy grad student 2010 UMN
Justine G. Nelson grad student 2010 UMN
Seohee Son grad student 2010 UMN
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Yang S, Rettig KD. (2012) Korean-American mothers’ experiences in facilitating academic success for their adolescents Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. 36: 417-438
Xiong ZB, Rettig KD, Tuicomepee A. (2008) Differences in nonshared individual, school, and family variables between delinquent and nondelinquent Hmong adolescents. The Journal of Psychology. 142: 337-55
Rettig KD. (2007) Divorce injustices: Perceptions of formerly wealthy women of the stressors, crises, and traumas Journal of Loss and Trauma. 12: 175-198
Rettig KD, Watters S. (2006) The consequences of child support policy for family financial well-being: A Minnesota case study Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. 44: 1-28
Daniels KC, Rettig KD, DelMas R. (2006) Alternative formulas for distributing parental incomes at divorce Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 27: 4-26
Leichtentritt RD, Schwartz V, Rettig KD. (2004) The lived experiences of Israeli Arab Moslems who are caring for a relative with cognitive decline. International Journal of Aging & Human Development. 59: 363-89
Yang S, Rettig KD. (2003) The value tensions in Korean-American mother-child relationships while facilitating academic success Personal Relationships. 10: 349-369
Leichtentritt RD, Rettig KD. (2002) Family beliefs about end-of-life decisions: an interpersonal perspective. Death Studies. 26: 567-94
Leichtentritt RD, Rettig KD. (2001) Values underlying end-of-life decisions: A qualitative approach Health and Social Work. 26: 150-159
Xiong ZB, Detzner DF, Rettig KD. (2001) Southeast Asian Immigrant Parenting Practices And Perceptions of Parent-Adolescent Conflicts Journal of Teaching in Marriage & Family. 1: 27-48
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