Hiromi Ishizawa, Ph.D.

2006 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Demography, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Hiromi Ishizawa"


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Gillian Stevens grad student 2006 UIUC
 (Dynamics and diversity within non -English language neighborhoods: Changes over space and time.)
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Ishizawa H, Kubo K, Stevens G. (2018) How Changes in Sending Countries Influenced Patterns of Interracial Families Through Intercountry Adoption Adoption Quarterly. 21: 270-287
Stevens G, Ishizawa H, Grbic D. (2015) Measuring race and ethnicity in the censuses of Australia, Canada, and the United States: Parallels and paradoxes Canadian Studies in Population. 42: 13-34
Ishizawa H. (2015) Civic participation through volunteerism among youth across immigrant generations Sociological Perspectives. 58: 264-285
Allen R, Ishizawa H. (2015) State-Level Political Context and Immigrant Homeownership in the USA Journal of International Migration and Integration. 16: 1081-1097
Ishizawa H. (2014) Volunteerism among Mexican Youth in the United States: The role of family capital Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 36: 247-264
Ishizawa H, Kubo K. (2014) Factors Affecting Adoption Decisions: Child and Parental Characteristics Journal of Family Issues. 35: 627-653
Ishizawa H, Arunachalam D. (2014) Ethnic Neighbourhoods in Auckland, New Zealand Urban Policy and Research. 32: 417-436
Kubrin CE, Ishizawa H. (2012) Why Some Immigrant Neighborhoods Are Safer than Others: Divergent Findings from Los Angeles and Chicago Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 641: 148-173
Stevens G, Ishizawa H, Escandell X. (2012) Marrying into the American population: Pathways into cross-nativity marriages International Migration Review. 46: 740-759
Ishizawa H, Stevens G. (2011) Who arrived first? the timing of arrival among young immigrant wives and husbands Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 37: 525-542
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