Aline Godfroid

Second Language Studies Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Linguistics Language, Cognitive Psychology, Foreign Language Education
"Aline Godfroid"
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Ma Y, Buccola B, Wang Z, et al. (2022) Expressions with Aspectual Verbs Elicit Slower Reading Times than Those with Psychological Verbs: An Eye-Tracking Study in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Hui B, Godfroid A. (2020) Testing the role of processing speed and automaticity in second language listening Applied Psycholinguistics. 1-27
Godfroid A, Winke P, Conklin K. (2020) Exploring the depths of second language processing with eye tracking: An introduction: Second Language Research. 36: 243-255
Godfroid A, Hui B. (2020) Five Common Pitfalls in Eye-Tracking Research. Second Language Research. 36: 277-305
Miller ZF, Godfroid A. (2020) Emotions in incidental language learning: an individual differences approach Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 42: 115-141
Kim KM, Godfroid A. (2019) Should We Listen or Read? Modality Effects in Implicit and Explicit Knowledge The Modern Language Journal. 103: 648-664
He X(, Godfroid A. (2019) Choosing Words to Teach: A Novel Method for Vocabulary Selection and Its Practical Application. Tesol Quarterly. 53: 348-371
Miller ZF, Fox JK, Moser JS, et al. (2017) Playing with fire: effects of negative mood induction and working memory on vocabulary acquisition. Cognition & Emotion. 1-9
Godfroid A, Lin CH, Ryu C. (2017) Hearing and Seeing Tone through Color: An Efficacy Study of Web-Based, Multimodal Chinese Tone Perception Training. Language Learning. 67: 819-857
Godfroid A, Ahn J, Choi I, et al. (2017) Incidental vocabulary learning in a natural reading context: an eye-tracking study Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 21: 563-584
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