John Bowen, Phd
Affiliations: | Anthropology | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
sociocultural anthropology, comparative social studies of IslamWebsite:
"John Bowen"Cross-listing: Anthropology Tree
Sign in to add traineeMiyako Inoue | grad student | 1991-1996 | Washington University |
Karen A. Kroeger | grad student | 2000 | Washington University |
Brian M. Howell | grad student | 2002 | Washington University |
Carolyn K. Lesorogol | grad student | 2002 | Washington University |
Erin E. Stiles | grad student | 2002 | Washington University |
Gareth Barkin | grad student | 2004 | Washington University |
Jacquelyn A. Lewis-Harris | grad student | 2005 | Washington University |
Laura L. Cochrane | grad student | 2007 | Washington University |
Bertin M. Louis | grad student | 2008 | Washington University |
Vanessa M. Hildebrand | grad student | 2009 | Washington University |
Jennifer A. Quincey | grad student | 2009 | Washington University |
Baris Isci | grad student | 2010 | Washington University |
Stephanie Larchanche | grad student | 2010 | Washington University |
Anna L. Jacobsen | grad student | 2011 | Washington University |
Jennifer S. Wistrand | grad student | 2011 | Washington University |
Sarah Kendzior | grad student | 2012 | Washington University |
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