Gustav Karsten
Affiliations: | Mineralogy and Physics | University of Kiel, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
"Gustav Karsten"Bio:
(1820 - 1900)
Folkerts, Menso, Karsten, Gustav
in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 11 (1977), S. 304 f. [Onlinefassung]
Karsten, Gustav, Imponderabilium praesertim electricitatis theoria dynamica cum appendice de imaginibus quae luce, calore, electricitate procreantur, Berlin (1843) is available online
Cross-listing: Physics Tree
Sign in to add mentorHeinrich Wilhelm Dove | grad student | 1843 | Universität Berlin (Meteorology Tree) | |
(Imponderabilium praesertim electricitatis theoria dynamica cum appendice de imaginibus quae luce, calore, electricitate procreantur) |
Sign in to add traineeJoachim Leonhard Weber | grad student | Kiel University (E-Tree) | |
Theodor Heinrich Behrens | grad student | 1868 | Universität Kiel (Geotree) |
Franz Boas | grad student | 1881 | Kiel University |
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