Elie Luzac
Affiliations: | Leiden |
law, publicist and booksellerWebsite:
"Elie Luzac"Bio:
(1721 - 1796)
Luzac's thesis "Disquisitio politico-moralis, Num Civis innocens irae Hostis, longe Potentioris, juste permitti possit, ut excidium totius Civitatis evitetur" is available online: http://books.google.com/books?id=MSJEAAAAcAAJ&pg=PR3#v=onepage&q&f=true
Cross-listing: Law Tree
Sign in to add mentorHieronymus David Gaubius | research assistant | 1749 | Leiden (Neurotree) |
Tiberius Hemsterhuis | research assistant | 1749 | Leiden |
Johannes Lulofs | research assistant | 1749 | Leiden (Physics Tree) |
Pieter van Musschenbroek | research assistant | 1749 | Leiden (Physics Tree) |
Johannes Alberti | grad student | 1749 | Leiden (Law Tree) |
Johann Conrad Rücker | grad student | 1749 | Leiden (Law Tree) |
Andreas Weiss | grad student | 1749 | Leiden (Law Tree) |
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