Anna Wierzbicka, PhD

Linguistics Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
"Anna Wierzbicka"
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Wierzbicka A. (2020) Addressing God in European languages: Different meanings, different cultural attitudes Russian Journal of Linguistics. 24: 259-293
Goddard C, Wierzbicka A. (2019) Reported speech as a pivotal human phenomenon: Commentary on Spronck and Nikitina Linguistic Typology. 23: 167-175
Goddard C, Wierzbicka A. (2019) Cognitive Semantics, Linguistic Typology and Grammatical Polysemy: “Possession” and the English Genitive Cognitive Semantics. 5: 224-247
Wierzbicka A. (2018) Emotions of Jesus Russian Journal of Linguistics. 22: 38-53
Wierzbicka A, Goddard C. (2017) Talking about our Bodies and their Parts in Warlpiri Australian Journal of Linguistics. 38: 31-62
Wierzbicka A. (2016) Overcoming the Eurocentrism in Psychological Anthropology with Lexical Universals: A Response to Naomi Quinn Ethos. 44: 195-198
Wierzbicka A. (2016) Back to ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’: Overcoming the Eurocentrism of Kinship Studies through Eight Lexical Universals Current Anthropology. 57: 408-429
Goddard C, Wierzbicka A, Wong J. (2016) “Walking” and “running” in English and German Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 14: 303-336
Goddard C, Wierzbicka A. (2016) Explicating the English lexicon of ‘doing and happening’ Functions of Language. 23: 214-256
Goddard C, Wierzbicka A. (2016) 'It's mine!'. Re-thinking the conceptual semantics of "possession" through NSM Language Sciences. 56: 93-104
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