Lorraine M. Leeson

Linguistics, Interpreting Studies, Cognitive Linguistics, Sign Linguistics, Applied Sign Linguistics
"Lorraine Leeson"
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Leeson L. (2020) The Academic Foundations of Interpreting Studies: An Introduction to Its Theories by Cynthia B. Roy, Jeremy L. Brunson, and Christopher A. Stone Sign Language Studies. 20: 533-540
Haug T, Bontempo K, Leeson L, et al. (2017) Deaf leaders’ strategies for working with signed language interpreters: An examination across seven countries Across Languages and Cultures. 18: 107-131
Nicodemus B, Swabey L, Leeson L, et al. (2017) A Cross-Linguistic Analysis of Fingerspelling Production by Sign Language Interpreters Sign Language Studies. 17: 143-171
Leeson L. (2017) Nicodemus and Cagle, (Eds.), 2015, Signed language interpretation and translation research: Selected papers from the First International Symposium Interpreting. 19: 271-279
Nolan B, Leeson L. (2009) Creating Access to Education with Progression Pathways via Blended Learning of Deaf Studies at Third Level in Ireland: Open Innovation with Digital Assets The Itb Journal. 10: 5
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