James A. Neff

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
Public Health, Gerontology
"James Neff"
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Neff JA, Gunsolley JC, Alshatrat SM. (2015) Topical trends in tobacco and alcohol articles published in three dental journals, 1980-2010. Journal of Dental Education. 79: 671-679
Neff JA, Kelley ML, Walters ST, et al. (2014) Effectiveness of a Screening and Brief Intervention protocol for heavy drinkers in dental practice: A cluster-randomized trial. Journal of Health Psychology
Neff JA, Walters ST, Braitman AL, et al. (2013) A brief motivational intervention for heavy alcohol use in dental practice settings: rationale and development. Journal of Health Psychology. 18: 542-53
Neff JA, Paulson JF. (2011) Confirmatory factor analysis of concept mapping-based dimensions of faith-based substance abuse treatment Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. 29: 3-22
Neff JA, Lynch C, Downs J. (2010) Alcohol use, predisposing, enabling, and oral health need variables as predictors of preventive and emergency dental service use Substance Use and Misuse. 45: 1930-1947
Kim YM, Neff JA. (2010) Direct and indirect effects of parental influence upon adolescent alcohol use: A structural equation modeling analysis Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. 19: 244-260
Neff JA. (2008) A new multidimensional measure of spirituality-religiosity for use in diverse substance abuse treatment populations Journal For the Scientific Study of Religion. 47: 393-409
Neff JA, Shorkey CT, Windsor LC. (2006) Contrasting faith-based and traditional substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 30: 49-61
Neff JA, MacMaster SA. (2005) Applying behavior change models to understand spiritual mechanisms underlying change in substance abuse treatment. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 31: 669-84
Neff JA, MacMaster SA. (2005) Spiritual Mechanisms Underlying Substance Abuse Behavior Change in Faith-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 5: 33-54
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