Kyle Jasmin, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2016-2021 | Psychological Sciences | Birkbeck College, University of London, London, England, United Kingdom |
2021- | Psychology | Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, England, United Kingdom |
Language, speech, autism.Website:
"Kyle Jasmin"Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorDaniel Casasanto | research assistant | 2009-2011 | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
Alex Martin | grad student | 2011- | NIMH/NIH |
Sophie K. Scott | grad student | 2011- | UCL (Neurotree) |
Frederic K. Dick | post-doc | 2016- | Birkbeck College (Neurotree) |
Adam T. Tierney | post-doc | 2016- | Birkbeck College (Neurotree) |
Sophie K. Scott | post-doc | 2015-2016 | (Neurotree) |
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Petrova K, Jasmin K, Saito K, et al. (2023) Extensive residence in a second language environment modifies perceptual strategies for suprasegmental categorization. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 49: 1943-1955 |
Bradshaw AR, Lametti DR, Shiller DM, et al. (2023) Speech motor adaptation during synchronous and metronome-timed speech. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Jasmin K, Martin A, Gotts SJ. (2023) Atypical connectivity aids conversation in autism. Scientific Reports. 13: 5303 |
Scott SK, Jasmin K. (2022) Rostro-caudal networks for sound processing in the primate brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 1076374 |
Jasmin K, Tierney A, Obasih C, et al. (2022) Short-term perceptual reweighting in suprasegmental categorization. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Jasmin K, Dick F, Tierney AT. (2021) The Multidimensional Battery of Prosody Perception (MBOPP). Wellcome Open Research. 5: 4 |
Tierney A, Patel AD, Jasmin K, et al. (2021) Individual differences in perception of the speech-to-song illusion are linked to musical aptitude but not musical training. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 47: 1681-1697 |
Jasmin K, Sun H, Tierney AT. (2020) Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies. Cognition. 206: 104481 |
Jasmin K, Dick F, Stewart L, et al. (2020) Altered functional connectivity during speech perception in congenital amusia. Elife. 9 |
Jasmin K, Dick F, Stewart L, et al. (2020) Author response: Altered functional connectivity during speech perception in congenital amusia Elife |