Julia Horvath
Affiliations: | Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel |
"Julia Horvath"
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Siloni T, Horvath J, Klunover H, et al. (2017) Idiom storage and the lexicon Journal of Linguistics. 54: 189-215 |
Horvath J, Siloni T. (2011) Anticausatives: Against reflexivization Lingua. 121: 2176-2186 |
Horvath J, Siloni T. (2011) Causatives across components Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 29: 657-704 |
Horvath J. (2010) "Discourse features", syntactic displacement and the status of contrast Lingua. 120: 1346-1369 |
Grosu A, Horvath J. (2006) Reply to Bhatt and Pancheva's “Late Merger of Degree Clauses”: The Irrelevance of (Non)conservativity Linguistic Inquiry. 37: 457-483 |
Horvath J. (1998) Multiple WH-Phrases and the WH-Scope-Marker Strategy in Hungarian Interrogatives Acta Linguistica Hungarica. 45: 31-60 |
Horvath J. (1997) The Status of ‘Wh-Expletives’ and the Partial Wh-Movement Construction of Hungarian Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 15: 509-572 |