Carl Börstell, PhD

2017 Linguistics Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden 
"Carl Börstell"
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Börstell C, Jantunen T, Kimmelman V, et al. (2019) Transitivity prominence within and across modalities Open Linguistics. 5: 666-689
Östling R, Börstell C, Courtaux S. (2018) Visual Iconicity Across Sign Languages: Large-Scale Automated Video Analysis of Iconic Articulators and Locations. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 725
Börstell C. (2017) Object marking in the signed modality : Verbal and nominal strategies in Swedish Sign Language and other sign languages Sign Language & Linguistics. 20: 279-287
Meir I, Aronoff M, Börstell C, et al. (2016) The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order: Insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages. Cognition. 158: 189-207
Börstell C, Hörberg T, Östling R. (2016) Distribution and duration of signs and parts of speech in Swedish Sign Language Sign Language & Linguistics. 19: 143-196
Lepic R, Börstell C, Belsitzman G, et al. (2016) Taking meaning in hand Sign Language and Linguistics. 19: 37-81
Börstell C, Lepic R, Belsitzman G. (2016) Articulatory plurality is a property of lexical plurals in sign language Lexical Plurals and Beyond. 39: 391-407
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