Alexandra D'Arcy, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Linguistics | University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
Sociolinguistics, Language Variation and ChangeWebsite:
"Alexandra D'Arcy"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSandra Clarke | grad student | 2000 | University of Victoria |
Sali A. Tagliamonte | grad student | 2001-2005 | University of Toronto |
Sign in to add traineePatricia Hart Blundon | grad student | University of Victoria | |
Thomas Magnuson | grad student | University of Victoria | |
Katie Drager | grad student | 2009 | University of Victoria |
Sky Onosson | grad student | 2013-2018 | University of Victoria |
Sky Onosson | grad student | 2013-2018 | University of Victoria |
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Wiltschko M, Denis D, D'Arcy A. (2018) Deconstructing variation in pragmatic function: A transdisciplinary case study Language in Society. 47: 569-599 |
D'Arcy A. (2016) Marina Dossena, ed. 2015. Transatlantic Perspectives on Late Modern English. English World-Wide. 37: 231-235 |
D'Arcy A. (2015) Stability, stasis and change: The longue durée of intensification Diachronica. 32: 449-493 |
D'Arcy A, Tagliamonte SA. (2015) Not always variable: Probing the vernacular grammar Language Variation and Change. 27: 255-285 |
D'Arcy A, Haddican B, Richards H, et al. (2013) Asymmetrical trajectories: The past and present of-body/-one Language Variation and Change. 25: 287-310 |
D'Arcy A. (2012) James A. Walker. 2010. Variation in Linguistic Systems. English World-Wide. 33: 205-209 |
D'Arcy A. (2012) The diachrony of quotation: Evidence from New Zealand English Language Variation and Change. 24: 343-369 |
D'Arcy A. (2011) Sandra Clarke. 2010. Newfoundland and Labrador English English World-Wide. 32: 369-373 |
D'Arcy A. (2010) Quoting ethnicity: Constructing dialogue in Aotearoa/New Zealand Journal of Sociolinguistics. 14: 60-88 |
D'Arcy A. (2010) Stefan Dollinger. 2008. New-Dialect Formation in Canada. Evidence from the English Modal Auxiliaries English World-Wide. 31: 108-111 |