Bridget L. Jankowski, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Linguistics | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
Sociolinguistics, Language Variation and ChangeGoogle:
"Bridget Jankowski"Parents
Sign in to add mentorSali A. Tagliamonte | grad student | 2002-2013 | University of Toronto | |
(A variationist approach to cross-register language variation and change.) |
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Tagliamonte SA, Jankowski BL. (2019) Golly, Gosh, and Oh My God! What North American Dialects can Tell Us about Swear Words American Speech. 94: 195-222 |
Jankowski BL, Tagliamonte SA. (2019) Supper or dinner?: Sociolinguistic variation in the meals of the day English World-Wide. 40: 169-200 |
Brook M, Jankowski BL, Konnelly L, et al. (2018) ‘I don't come off as timid anymore’: Real‐time change in early adulthood against the backdrop of the community Journal of Sociolinguistics. 22: 351-374 |
Jankowski BL, Tagliamonte SA. (2014) On the genitive's trail: Data and method from a sociolinguistic perspective English Language and Linguistics. 18: 305-329 |
Tagliamonte SA, D'arcy A, Jankowski B. (2010) Social work and linguistic systems: Marking possession in Canadian English Language Variation and Change. 22: 149-173 |