Laura-Ann Petitto
Affiliations: | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States |
Language & DevelopmentGoogle:
"Laura-Ann Petitto"Cross-listing: Neurotree - CSD Tree
Sign in to add mentorThomas G. Bever | research assistant | Columbia | ||
William Stokoe | research assistant | Gallaudet University | ||
Herbert S. Terrace | research assistant | Columbia (Neurotree) | ||
Ursula Bellugi | grad student | Salk Institute | ||
Roger Brown | grad student | Harvard | ||
Courtney B. Cazden | grad student | Harvard, Graduate School of Education (Neurotree) | ||
Noam Chomsky | grad student | MIT | ||
Francis Harry Compton Crick | grad student | Salk Institute (Neurotree) | ||
Edward Klima | grad student | The Salk Institute for Biological Studies & UCSD | ||
Elizabeth A. Bates | post-doc | UCSD | ||
(With Ursula Bellugi at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies) |
Sign in to add traineeShawn S. Nelson Schmitt | research assistant | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Paola Peacock-Villada | research assistant | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Sandeep Prasada | research assistant | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Elizabeth S. Norton | research assistant | 2001-2006 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Amy C. Geojo | research assistant | 2005-2006 | Dartmouth (Neurotree) |
Clifton Langdon | research assistant | 2011-2013 | Gallaudet University (Neurotree) |
Fernande Charron | grad student | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Matthew Dubins | grad student | University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
Anat Geva | grad student | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Siobhan Holowka | grad student | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Marissa Malkowski | grad student | University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
Paula Marentette | grad student | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Ioulia Kovelman | grad student | 2001-2006 | Dartmouth |
Kaja K. Jasinska | grad student | 2013 | University of Toronto (Neurotree) |
Stephanie Baker | post-doc | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Melody S. Berens | post-doc | University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
Art Kaso | post-doc | University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
Mark H. Shalinsky | post-doc | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Katherine White | post-doc | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Lynne J. Williams | post-doc | University of Toronto (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorDiane Poulain Dubois | collaborator | Concordia University Montreal (Neurotree) | |
Kevin N. Dunbar | collaborator | University of Toronto (Neurotree) | |
Michael Gazzaniga | collaborator | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Scott T. Grafton | collaborator | Dartmouth (Neurotree) | |
Stephen Kosslyn | collaborator | Harvard (Neurotree) | |
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff | collaborator | University of Delaware | |
Brenda Milner | collaborator | Montreal Neurological Institute and McGill University (Neurotree) | |
Helen Neville | collaborator | Salk Institute (Neurotree) | |
David J. Ostry | collaborator | McGill (Neurotree) | |
Steven Pinker | collaborator | Harvard | |
Sandra R. Waxman | collaborator | McGill | |
Robert Zatorre | collaborator | Montreal Neurological Institute and McGill University (Neurotree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Nematova S, Zinszer B, Morlet T, et al. (2024) Impact of ASL Exposure on Spoken Phonemic Discrimination in Adult CI Users: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 5: 553-588 |
Stone A, Petitto LA, Bosworth R. (2018) Visual Sonority Modulates Infants' Attraction to Sign Language. Language Learning and Development : the Official Journal of the Society For Language Development. 14: 130-148 |
Jasińska KK, Petitto LA. (2017) Age of Bilingual Exposure Is Related to the Contribution of Phonological and Semantic Knowledge to Successful Reading Development. Child Development |
Stone A, Kartheiser G, Hauser PC, et al. (2015) Fingerspelling as a Novel Gateway into Reading Fluency in Deaf Bilinguals. Plos One. 10: e0139610 |
Kovelman I, Salah-Ud-Din M, Berens MS, et al. (2015) ���One glove does not fit all��� in bilingual reading acquisition: Using the age of first bilingual language exposure to understand optimal contexts for reading success Cogent Education. 2 |
Kovelman I, Shalinsky MH, Berens MS, et al. (2014) Words in the bilingual brain: an fNIRS brain imaging investigation of lexical processing in sign-speech bimodal bilinguals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 606 |
Jasińska KK, Petitto LA. (2014) Development of neural systems for reading in the monolingual and bilingual brain: new insights from functional near infrared spectroscopy neuroimaging. Developmental Neuropsychology. 39: 421-39 |
Jasinska KK, Petitto LA. (2013) How age of bilingual exposure can change the neural systems for language in the developing brain: a functional near infrared spectroscopy investigation of syntactic processing in monolingual and bilingual children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 6: 87-101 |
Berens MS, Kovelman I, Petitto LA. (2013) Should bilingual children learn reading in two languages at the same time or in sequence? Bilingual Research Journal. 36: 35-60 |
Holowka S, Brosseau-Lapré F, Petitto LA. (2013) Semantic and Conceptual Knowledge Underlying Bilingual Babies' First Signs and Words Language Learning. 52 |