Fan-Yu Lin, Ph.D.

2004 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Special Education, Mathematics Education, Elementary Education
"Fan-Yu Lin"


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Richard M. Kubina grad student 2004 Penn State
 (A skill analysis of multidigit multiplication on application.)
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Lin F, Kubina RM. (2015) Imitation fluency in a student with autism spectrum disorder: an experimental case study European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 16: 2-20
Kubina RM, Lin F. (2008) Defining frequency: A natural scientific term. The Behavior Analyst Today. 9: 125-129
Lin F, Kubina RM. (2005) A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Fluency and Application for Multiplication Journal of Behavioral Education. 14: 73-87
Lin F, Kubina RM. (2004) Learning channels and verbal behavior. The Behavior Analyst Today. 5: 1-14
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