Robert Hariman
Affiliations: | Communication Studies | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
Speech Communication, English Literature, Rhetoric and Composition LanguageGoogle:
"Robert Hariman"Children
Sign in to add traineeJon L. Torn | grad student | 2008 | Northwestern |
Jessica Baldwin-Philippi | grad student | 2012 | Northwestern |
Walter P. Wade | grad student | 2013 | Northwestern |
Timothy Barouch | grad student | 2014 | Northwestern |
Caitlin F. Bruce | grad student | 2014 | Northwestern |
Jamie F. Merchant | grad student | 2014 | Northwestern |
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Hariman R, Lucaites JL. (2019) From Image Politics to Image Politics 2.0 Communication and Critical\/Cultural Studies. 16: 340-349 |
Hariman R, Lucaites JL. (2016) Photography: The Abundant Art Photography and Culture. 9: 39-58 |
Hariman R, Lucaites JL. (2015) Icons, iconicity, and cultural critique Sociologica. 9 |
Hariman R, Cintron R. (2015) Culture, catastrophe, and rhetoric: The texture of political action Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric: the Texture of Political Action. 7: 1-264 |
Hariman R. (2009) Photographic Memories: Private Pictures, Public Images, and American History. By Rob Kroes. (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2007. xvi, 199 pp. Cloth, $65.00, ISBN 978-1-58465-596-1. Paper, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-58465-593-0.) The Journal of American History. 95: 1229-1230 |
Hariman R. (2009) Popular trials: Rhetoric, mass media, and the law Popular Trials: Rhetoric, Mass Media, and the Law. 1-257 |
Hariman R. (2009) Cultivating Compassion as a Way of Seeing Communication and Critical\/Cultural Studies. 6: 199-203 |
Kaufer D, Hariman R. (2008) Discriminating political styles as genres: A corpus study exploring Hariman's theory of political style Text and Talk. 28: 475-500 |
Hariman R, Lucaites JL. (2008) Problems and Prospects in the Study of Visual Culture The Review of Communication. 8: 16-20 |
Hariman R. (2008) Political parody and public culture Quarterly Journal of Speech. 94: 247-272 |