Peter Kornicki

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
 1978 University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Peter Kornicki"


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Brian Powell grad student 1978 Oxford
 (The novels of Ozaki Koyo: A study of selected works with special reference to the relationship between the fiction of the Tokugawa and early Meiji periods)
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Kornicki P. (2020) Unbinding The Pillow Book: The Many Lives of a Japanese Classic by Gergana Ivanova (review) Journal of Jewish Studies. 46: 153-156
Kornicki P. (2019) Japan’s hand-written culture: confessions of a print addict Japan Forum. 31: 272-284
Kornicki P. (2017) Spectacular Accumulation: Material Culture, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Samurai Sociability by Morgan Pitelka (review) Journal of Jewish Studies. 43: 141-144
Kornicki P. (2013) Korean Books in Japan: From the 1590s to the End of the Edo Period Journal of the American Oriental Society. 133: 71
Kornicki P. (2012) The Hyakumantō Darani And The Origins Of Printing In Eighth-Century Japan International Journal of Asian Studies. 9: 43-70
Clements R, Kornicki P. (2009) The Latter Days of the Genji Monumenta Nipponica. 64: 363-372
Smith HD, Kornicki P. (1998) Japaneseness and the History of the Book@@@The Book in Japan: A Cultural History from the Beginnings to the Nineteenth Century. Monumenta Nipponica. 53: 499
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