Year |
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2018 |
Hogan TP, Luger TM, Volkman JE, Rocheleau M, Mueller N, Barker AM, Nazi KM, Houston TK, Bokhour BG. Patient Centeredness in Electronic Communication: Evaluation of Patient-to-Health Care Team Secure Messaging. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20: e82. PMID 29519774 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.8801 |
0.303 |
2015 |
Klein DM, Fix GM, Hogan TP, Simon SR, Nazi KM, Turvey CL. Use of the Blue Button Online Tool for Sharing Health Information: Qualitative Interviews With Patients and Providers. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 17: e199. PMID 26286139 DOI: 10.2196/Jmir.4595 |
0.342 |
2014 |
Volkman JE, Luger TM, Harvey KL, Hogan TP, Shimada SL, Amante D, McInnes DK, Feng H, Houston TK. The National Cancer Institute's Health Information National Trends Survey [HINTS]: a national cross-sectional analysis of talking to your doctor and other healthcare providers for health information. Bmc Family Practice. 15: 111. PMID 24906558 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-111 |
0.314 |
2014 |
Mishuris RG, Stewart M, Fix GM, Marcello T, McInnes DK, Hogan TP, Boardman JB, Simon SR. Barriers to patient portal access among veterans receiving home-based primary care: a qualitative study. Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy. PMID 24816246 DOI: 10.1111/Hex.12199 |
0.3 |
2014 |
Hogan TP, Nazi KM, Luger TM, Amante DJ, Smith BM, Barker A, Shimada SL, Volkman JE, Garvin L, Simon SR, Houston TK. Technology-assisted patient access to clinical information: an evaluation framework for blue button. Jmir Research Protocols. 3: e18. PMID 24675395 DOI: 10.2196/Resprot.3290 |
0.33 |
2014 |
Gao P, Lu X, Berkun I, Schmidt RD, Case ED, Hogan TP. Reduced lattice thermal conductivity in Bi-doped Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 Applied Physics Letters. 105. DOI: 10.1063/1.4901178 |
0.302 |
2013 |
McInnes DK, Li AE, Hogan TP. Opportunities for engaging low-income, vulnerable populations in health care: a systematic review of homeless persons' access to and use of information technologies. American Journal of Public Health. 103: e11-24. PMID 24148036 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2013.301623 |
0.3 |
2012 |
Locatelli SM, LaVela SL, Hogan TP, Kerr AN, Weaver FM. Communication and information sharing at VA facilities during the 2009 novel H1N1 influenza pandemic. American Journal of Infection Control. 40: 622-6. PMID 22732657 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ajic.2012.01.035 |
0.311 |
2012 |
Turvey CL, Zulman DM, Nazi KM, Wakefield BJ, Woods SS, Hogan TP, Weaver FM, McInnes K. Transfer of information from personal health records: a survey of veterans using My HealtheVet. Telemedicine Journal and E-Health : the Official Journal of the American Telemedicine Association. 18: 109-14. PMID 22304439 DOI: 10.1089/Tmj.2011.0109 |
0.321 |
2011 |
Zhao LD, Lo SH, He J, Li H, Biswas K, Androulakis J, Wu CI, Hogan TP, Chung DY, Dravid VP, Kanatzidis MG. High performance thermoelectrics from earth-abundant materials: enhanced figure of merit in PbS by second phase nanostructures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133: 20476-87. PMID 22126301 DOI: 10.1021/Ja208658W |
0.31 |
2011 |
Wu CI, Girard SN, Sootsman J, Timm E, Case ED, Kanatzidis MG, Schock H, Chung DY, Hogan TP. Novel lead telluride based thermoelectric materials Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1314: 63-69. DOI: 10.1557/Opl.2011.517 |
0.312 |
2007 |
Palmer CL, Cragin MH, Hogan TP. Weak information work in scientific discovery Information Processing and Management. 43: 808-820. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ipm.2006.06.003 |
0.612 |
2007 |
Hogan TP, Downey A, Short J, D'Angelo J, Wu CI, Quarez E, Androulakis J, Poudeu PFP, Sootsman JR, Chung DY, Kanatzidis MG, Mahanti SD, Timm EJ, Schock H, Ren F, et al. Nanostructured thermoelectric materials and high-efficiency power-generation modules Journal of Electronic Materials. 36: 704-710. DOI: 10.1007/S11664-007-0174-9 |
0.315 |
2006 |
Poudeu PF, D'Angelo J, Downey AD, Short JL, Hogan TP, Kanatzidis MG. High thermoelectric figure of merit and nanostructuring in bulk p-type Na1-xPbmSbyTem+2. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 45: 3835-9. PMID 16646103 DOI: 10.1002/Anie.200600865 |
0.332 |
2006 |
Hogan TP, Palmer CL. “Information work” and chronic illness: Interpreting results from a nationwide survey of people living with HIV/AIDS Proceedings of the American Society For Information Science and Technology. 42: n/a-n/a. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504201150 |
0.564 |
2005 |
Hogan TP, Palmer CL. Information preferences and practices among people living with HIV/AIDS: results from a nationwide survey. Journal of the Medical Library Association : Jmla. 93: 431-9. PMID 16239938 |
0.578 |
2005 |
Kyratsi T, Lal S, Hogan T, Kanatzidis MG. Thermoelectric Properties of K2Bi8Se13−xSx Solid Solutions Mrs Proceedings. 886. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-0886-F08-02 |
0.315 |
2005 |
Poudeu PFP, D'Angelo J, Downey A, Pcionek R, Sootsman J, Zhou Z, Palchik O, Hogan TP, Uher C, Kanatzidis MG. Effects of Antimony on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Cubic Pb9.6SbyTe10−xSex Materials Mrs Proceedings. 886. DOI: 10.1557/Proc-0886-F05-09 |
0.311 |
2004 |
Palmer CL, Cragin MH, Hogan TP. Information at the intersections of discovery: Case studies in neuroscience Proceedings of the Asist Annual Meeting. 41: 448-455. DOI: 10.1002/meet.1450410152 |
0.573 |
2003 |
Salvador JR, Guo F, Hogan T, Kanatzidis MG. Zero thermal expansion in YbGaGe due to an electronic valence transition. Nature. 425: 702-5. PMID 14562099 DOI: 10.1038/Nature02011 |
0.305 |
2003 |
Palmer CL, Cragin MH, Hogan TP. Information and discovery in neuroscience Proceedings of the Asist Annual Meeting. 40: 540-541. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504001113 |
0.574 |
2003 |
Hogan TP, Palmer CL. Information in the HIV+ community Proceedings of the Asist Annual Meeting. 40: 521-522. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504001105 |
0.575 |
Show low-probability matches. |