Cornell University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Josef D. AckermanSeagrasses, physical ecology1989 Karl J. Niklas (grad student)
Jason P. Andras2010 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Kara Andres David M. Lodge (grad student)
David M. BakerCoral Reef Ecology, Biogeochemistry Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20042010 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Ian G. BrosnanClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering2014 Charles H. Greene (grad student)
John F. BrunoMarine ecology C. Drew Harvell (post-doc)
Peter F. Brussard
Benjamin H. C. Carr
Maureen E. Carter2009 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Kuang-An ChangMarine and Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering1998 Philip L-F. Liu (grad student)
Wilbert Amie Clemens1915 James George Needham (grad student)
Courtney S. Couch2014 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Edwin A. CowenCivil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering
Morgan E. Eisenlord Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2014 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Evan A FiorenzaMarine Diseases and Parasites Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20162017 Joleah B. Lamb (research assistant), C. Drew Harvell (research assistant)
Andrew M. FischerClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering2009 Charles H. Greene (grad student)
Karen E. FisherClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering2002 Charles H. Greene (grad student)
Andrea L. Graham2001 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Charles H. GreeneClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering
K. David Hambright Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Nelson G. Hairston, Jr. (grad student)
Richard Gerald HarrisonEvolutionary biology1977 Peter F. Brussard (grad student), Ronald R. Hoy (post-doc)
C. Drew Harvell
Mark Harwell19811987 Simon Asher Levin (post-doc)
Leila T. Hatch2004 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Matthew J. IaccheiCommunity ecology, population genetics, molecular ecology20022002 Richard Gerald Harrison (research assistant)
Steven Mana'oakamai Johnson
David Starr JordanIcthyology, Evolution Andrew Dickson White (research assistant)
Peter M. Kareivaecology, conservation biology1981 Simon Asher Levin (grad student), Richard Bruce Root (grad student)
Kiho Kim Ecology & Evolution19962000 C. Drew Harvell (post-doc)
Nicole M. KollarsMarine Evolutionary Ecology20092009 Martha O. Burford (research assistant)
Stefanie A. KrollStream Ecology, Aquatic Entomology
Joleah B. Lamb Ecology & Evolutionary Biology C. Drew Harvell (post-doc)
Nancy Ada LorrPhysiology and Histology Teacher
Nancy Lorr
Christopher J Maddencoastal ecology, systems ecology, modeling Ecology and Systematics19781980 Charles A. S. Hall (research scientist)
Luana S. Maroja2008 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Karen J. McGlathery1992 Robert W. Howarth (grad student)
Morgan E. Mouchka2014 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Sean P. Mullen2006 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Karl J. NiklasPlant Evolution, Biomechanics
Mark NovakCommunity ecology, food webs19972000 Myra J. Shulman (research assistant)
Marie L. Nydam2010 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Daniel K. Odell
Andrew J. PershingClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering2001 Charles H. Greene (grad student)
Laura E. Petesphysiological ecology, climate change20002002 C. Drew Harvell (research assistant)
David M. Rand Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Laurie J. Raymundo2000 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Zulfirman Rhayental Natural Resources and the Environment2023 Steven Mana'oakamai Johnson (grad student)
Charles L. Ross2000 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Randi D RotjanMarine Ecology Neurobiology & Behavior Thomas Seeley (research assistant)
Krystal L. Rypien2008 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Ioanna SamouelClimate and Ecosystem Regime Shifts, Conservation Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography, Marine Bioacoustics, Global Biogeochemical Engineering2008 Charles H. Greene (grad student)
Myra J. Shulman
Gregor Siegmund
Clarence L Smith Edward C. Raney (grad student)
In M. SouCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Physical Oceanography2005 Edwin A. Cowen (grad student)
Bernie R. Tershy1998 Paul W. Sherman (grad student), Stephen T. Emlen (grad student)
Rafael O. TinocoCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Fluid Mechanics2011 Edwin A. Cowen (grad student)
Allison M. Tracy Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Ivan Valiela Donald J. Hall (grad student)
James R. Walters2009 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Jessica R. Ward2006 C. Drew Harvell (grad student)
Victoria Watson-Zink Ecology & Evolutionary Biology C. Drew Harvell (research assistant)
Miranda Claire Winninghammarine ecology; marine disease; community ecology; invertebrates; population ecology
Reyn M. Yoshioka Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20122016 C. Drew Harvell (research assistant)
Gustavo ZarrukCivil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering2005 Edwin A. Cowen (grad student)