Scott L. Hamilton, Ph.D.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
"Scott Hamilton"


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Robert R. Warner grad student 2007 UC Santa Barbara
 (Selective mortality in juvenile coral reef fish: The role of larval performance and dispersal histories.)
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Smith JG, Free CM, Lopazanski C, et al. (2023) A marine protected area network does not confer community structure resilience to a marine heatwave across coastal ecosystems. Global Change Biology
Ziegler SL, Johnson JM, Brooks RO, et al. (2023) Marine protected areas, marine heatwaves, and the resilience of nearshore fish communities. Scientific Reports. 13: 1405
Donham EM, Hamilton SL, Aiello I, et al. (2022) Consequences of warming and acidification for the temperate articulated coralline alga, Calliarthron tuberculosum (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology
Donham EM, Strope LT, Hamilton SL, et al. (2022) Coupled changes in pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen impact the physiology and ecology of herbivorous kelp forest grazers. Global Change Biology
Longo GC, Lam L, Basnett B, et al. (2020) Strong population differentiation in lingcod () is driven by a small portion of the genome. Evolutionary Applications. 13: 2536-2554
Beas-Luna R, Micheli F, Woodson CB, et al. (2020) Geographic variation in responses of kelp forest communities of the California Current to recent climatic changes. Global Change Biology
Hamilton S, Bartell S, Pierson J, et al. (2020) Factors Controlling Calanoid Copepod Biomass and Distribution in the Upper San Francisco Estuary and Implications for Managing the Imperiled Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). Environmental Management
Mattiasen EG, Kashef NS, Stafford DM, et al. (2020) Effects of hypoxia on the behavior and physiology of kelp forest fishes. Global Change Biology
Easter EE, Adreani MS, Hamilton SL, et al. (2020) Influence of protogynous sex change on recovery of fish populations within marine protected areas. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America
Easter EE, Adreani MS, Hamilton SL, et al. (2020) Population Dynamics of Sex‐Changing Fish Species in Marine Protected Areas The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 101
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