Oliver Fassler, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology State University of New York at Binghamton, Vestal, NY, United States 
Dissociation, memory, mindfulness/acceptance, hypnosis, experimental psychopathology, and science versus pseudoscience.
"Oliver Fassler"


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Steven Jay Lynn grad student 2008 SUNY Binghamton
 (Repeated hynposis testing: Expectancies, boredom, and interpretive set.)
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Fassler O, Lynn SJ, Knox J. (2008) Is hypnotic suggestibility a stable trait? Consciousness and Cognition. 17: 240-53
Lynn SJ, Knox JA, Fassler O, et al. (2008) Memory, Trauma, and Dissociation Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Issues and Controversies. 163-186
Fassler O, Knox J, Jay Lynn S. (2006) The Iowa Sleep Experiences Survey: Hypnotizability, absorption, and dissociation Personality and Individual Differences. 41: 675-684
Lynn SJ, Fassler O, Knox JA, et al. (2006) Dissociation and dissociative identity disorder: Treatment guidelines and cautions Practitioner's Guide to Evidence-Based Psychotherapy. 248-257
Lynn SJ, Fassler O, Knox J. (2005) Hypnosis and the altered state debate: Something more or nothing more? Contemporary Hypnosis. 22: 39-45
Lynn SJ, Knox J, Fassler O, et al. (2003) An evaluation of Woodard's theory of perceptually oriented hypnosis. Psychological Reports. 93: 87-90
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