Wheeler J. North
Affiliations: | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Wheeler North"Children
Sign in to add traineeGeorge Jackson | grad student | Texas A & M | |
David E. James | grad student | University of Las Vegas | |
James S. Kuwabara | grad student | USGS | |
Paul Kwan Chien | post-doc | 1971-1973 | Caltech |
Patricia Ann Wheeler | post-doc | 1976-1978 | Caltech |
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Morgan JJ, Blackwell VR, Johnson DE, et al. (1999) Hydrate formation from gaseous CO2 and water Environmental Science and Technology. 33: 1448-1452 |
North WJ, Blackwell VR, Morgan JJ. (1998) Studies of Co2 hydrate formation and dissolution Environmental Science and Technology. 32: 676-681 |
Manley SL, Goodwin K, North WJ. (1992) Laboratory production of bromoform, methylene bromide, and methyl iodide by macroalgae and distribution in nearshore southern California waters Limnology & Oceanography. 37: 1652-1659 |
González-Fragoso J, Ibarra-Obando SE, North WJ. (1991) Frond elongation rates of shallow water Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) Ag. In northern Baja California, Mexico Journal of Applied Phycology. 3: 311-318 |
James DE, Stull JK, North WJ. (1990) Toxicity of sewage-contaminated sediment cores to Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) gametophytes determined by digital image analysis Hydrobiologia. 204: 483-489 |
North WJ, James DE. (1987) Use of Cystoseira and Sargassum embryonic sporophytes for testing toxicity effects Hydrobiologia. 151: 417-423 |
James DE, Manley SL, Carter MC, et al. (1987) Effects of PCBs and hydrazine on life processes in microscopic stages of selected brown seaweeds Hydrobiologia. 151: 411-415 |
North WJ, Jackson GA, Manley SL. (1986) Macrocystis and its environment, knowns and unknowns Aquatic Botany. 26: 9-26 |
Manley SL, North WJ. (1984) Phosphorus and the growth of juvenile Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta) sporophytes Journal of Phycology. 20: 389-393 |
North WJ, Zimmerman RC. (1984) Influences of macronutrients and water temperatures on summertime survival of Macrocystis canopies Hydrobiologia. 116: 419-424 |