Mark D. Bertness, PHD

EEMB Brown University, Providence, RI 
Community Ecology
"Mark Bertness"


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Lindsey K. Albertson research assistant Montana State (Evolution Tree)
Joanna Bernhardt research assistant Brown
Nancy Christine Emery research assistant Brown (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Laura Gough research assistant Towson State University (Neurotree)
Christopher D. Harley research assistant Brown
Christine Holdredge research assistant UF Gainesville
Sarah C. Lee research assistant Brown
Steven C. Pennings research assistant Brown
Eric Sanford research assistant Brown
Elizabeth R. Selig research assistant Brown
William Tecumseh Sherman Fitch, III research assistant Alpert Medical School at Brown University (LinguisTree)
Cliff Cunningham research assistant 1978-1979 Duke
Edwin Grosholz research assistant 1980-1983 UC Davis
Jonathan M. Levine research assistant 1990-1994 Brown
Carrie V. Kappel research assistant 1994-1995 Brown
Mary I. O'Connor research assistant 2000 Brown
Jennifer A. Skene research assistant 1997-2000 Brown
Kristin Hultgren research assistant 1999-2000 Brown
Hannah R. Nelson research assistant 2014 Brown
Maya Zeff research assistant 2016-2020 Brown
Sarah Crosby grad student
Sinead Crotty grad student UF Gainesville
Pedro Daleo grad student University of Mar del Plata
Qiang He grad student Brown
Victoria Renya grad student Catholiv University of Santiago
Scott Shumway grad student Brown
Flo Thomas grad student Brown
Aaron Maxwell Ellison grad student 1982-1986 Brown
Patricia M. Halpin grad student 1989-1994 Brown
Sally Hacker grad student 1996 Brown
Christopher E. Bird grad student 1998-1998 Brown
John F. Bruno grad student 2000 Brown
Tatyana A. Rand grad student 2000 Brown
Patrick  J. Ewanchuk grad student 1997-2003 Brown
Brian R. Silliman grad student 2004 Brown
Caitlin Mullan Crain grad student 2006 Brown
Kristy Jean Kroeker grad student 2005-2006 Brown
Devon J. Bradley grad student 2009 Brown
Juan Alberti grad student 2002-2009 University of Mar del Plata
Keryn Bromberg Gedan grad student 2004-2010 Brown
Kongo Farina post-doc Brown
Andrew Irving post-doc level trait of a plant’s canopy architecture can influence South Australian Research and Development Institute
Todd Minchinton post-doc Brown
Johan van de Koppel post-doc Netherland Institute of Ecology
Philip Yund post-doc Brown
Andrew H. Altieri post-doc 2007- Brown
Geoffrey C. Trussell post-doc 1998-2002 Brown
Eric L Berlow research scientist 2006- UC Merced
tyler coverdale research scientist 2010- Brown
BETA: Related publications


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Bertness MD, Cavieres LA, Lortie CJ, et al. (2024) Positive interactions and interdependence in communities. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Silliman BR, Hensel MJS, Gibert JP, et al. (2024) Harnessing ecological theory to enhance ecosystem restoration. Current Biology : Cb. 34: R418-R434
Li C, Chen J, Liao X, et al. (2023) Shorebirds-driven trophic cascade helps restore coastal wetland multifunctionality. Nature Communications. 14: 8076
Saldaña PH, Angelini C, Bertness MD, et al. (2023) Dead foundation species drive ecosystem dynamics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Wang B, Zhang K, Liu QX, et al. (2022) Long-distance facilitation of coastal ecosystem structure and resilience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2123274119
Ren J, Chen J, Xu C, et al. (2021) An invasive species erodes the performance of coastal wetland protected areas. Science Advances. 7: eabi8943
He Q, Li H, Xu C, et al. (2020) Consumer regulation of the carbon cycle in coastal wetland ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 375: 20190451
Crotty SM, Ortals C, Pettengill TM, et al. (2020) Sea-level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer alter the geomorphic evolution and ecology of southeast US salt marshes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Bortolus A, Adam P, Adams JB, et al. (2019) Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus. Ecology. e02863
Crotty SM, Altieri AH, Bruno JF, et al. (2019) The Foundation for Building the Conservation Capacity of Community Ecology Frontiers in Marine Science. 6
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