Susan L. Williams

Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis, Bodega Bay, CA, United States 
marine ecology
"Susan Williams"


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Walter H. Adey grad student University of Maryland
 (Walter's 'parent' was Williams Randolph Taylor)
Thomas R. Fisher grad student University of Maryland
Edward P. Karlander grad student University of Maryland
C. Peter McRoy grad student University of Alaska Fairbanks
 (MS mentor)


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Eric Fan research assistant Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Megan Ma research assistant 2016-2018 Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Bengt J. Allen grad student San Diego State University
Alexander G. Cheroske grad student San Diego State University
Katherine DuBois grad student
Grace Ha grad student Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Laura F. Rodriguez grad student UC Davis
Cale A. Miller grad student 2017-
Lucinda Hwang grad student 1984 SUNY Stony Brook
Seth Yarish grad student 1984 SUNY Stony Brook
Eric Telemaque grad student 1987 SUNY Stony Brook
Mary Ruckelshaus grad student 1988-1990 Friday Harbor Labs, University of Washington
Timothy Lu grad student 1993 San Diego State University
Chris Davis grad student 1994 San Diego State University
Russell Edward DiFiori grad student 1994 San Diego State University
Patrick  J. Ewanchuk grad student 1992-1995 San Diego State University
Amy Sewell grad student 1996 San Diego State University
Holly Hanson grad student 2000 San Diego State University
Megan R. Johnson grad student 2000 San Diego State University
Carolyn Lieberman grad student 2001 San Diego State University
Cascade J. B. Sorte grad student 2010 UC Davis
Amanda J. Newsom grad student 2011 UC Davis
Amber I. Szoboszlai grad student 2007-2012 Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Max C.N. Castorani grad student 2008-2014 UC Davis / San Diego State University
Matthew E. S. Bracken post-doc Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Christopher D. Harley post-doc Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Cynthia G. Hays post-doc UC Davis
Thorsten Reusch post-doc San Diego State University
Laura K. Reynolds post-doc Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Jorge Terrados post-doc San Diego State University
Jeffrey Wright post-doc 2000-2002 Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Brent B. Hughes post-doc 2014-2016 Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
Robert Cotton Rockwood research scientist 2007-2008 Scripps Oceanography
Emily Jones research scientist 2007-2009 Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis
BETA: Related publications


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DuBois K, Pollard KN, Kauffman BJ, et al. (2022) Local adaptation in a marine foundation species: implications for resilience to future global change. Global Change Biology
Beheshti KM, Williams SL, Boyer KE, et al. (2021) Rapid enhancement of multiple ecosystem services following the restoration of a coastal foundation species. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e02466
DuBois K, Williams SL, Stachowicz JJ. (2020) Previous exposure mediates the response of eelgrass to future warming via clonal transgenerational plasticity. Ecology
DuBois K, Williams SL, Stachowicz JJ. (2020) Experimental Warming Enhances Effects of Eelgrass Genetic Diversity Via Temperature-Induced Niche Differentiation Estuaries and Coasts. 1-13
Hughes BB, Wasson K, Tinker MT, et al. (2019) Species recovery and recolonization of past habitats: lessons for science and conservation from sea otters in estuaries. Peerj. 7: e8100
Rivest EB, Jellison B, Ng G, et al. (2019) Mechanisms Involving Sensory Pathway Steps Inform Impacts of Global Climate Change on Ecological Processes Frontiers in Marine Science. 6
DuBois K, Abbott J, Williams S, et al. (2019) Relative performance of eelgrass genotypes shifts during an extreme warming event: disentangling the roles of multiple traits Marine Ecology Progress Series. 615: 67-77
Abbott JM, DuBois K, Grosberg RK, et al. (2018) Genetic distance predicts trait differentiation at the subpopulation but not the individual level in eelgrass, . Ecology and Evolution. 8: 7476-7489
Ojaveer H, Galil BS, Carlton JT, et al. (2018) Historical baselines in marine bioinvasions: Implications for policy and management. Plos One. 13: e0202383
Ha G, Williams SL. (2018) Eelgrass community dominated by native omnivores in Bodega Bay, California, USA Bulletin of Marine Science. 94: 1333-1353
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