Wayne P. Sousa

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Marine Ecology
"Wayne Sousa"


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Jeff Shima research assistant Victoria University
Patricia M. Halpin research assistant 1987-1988 UC Berkeley
Edwin Grosholz grad student UC Berkeley
Rosemary Romero grad student 2010- UC Berkeley
Andrew P. DeVogelaere grad student 1987-1991 UC Santa Cruz
Mary Gayle Gleason grad student 1987-1994 UC Berkeley
Jonathan M. Levine grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
Mary F. Poteet grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
Dora E. Vidal grad student 2001 UC Berkeley
Neil J. Hausmann grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Jodi M. McGraw grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
Peter G. Kennedy grad student 2005 UC Berkeley
Meredith A. Thomsen grad student 2005 UC Berkeley
Margaret R. Metz grad student 2007 UC Berkeley
Joel K. Abraham grad student 2008 UC Berkeley
Andrea Swei grad student 2009 UC Berkeley
Jennifer A. Skene grad student 2002-2009 UC Berkeley
Brody S. Sandel grad student 2010 UC Berkeley
Emily M. Dangremond grad student 2013 UC Berkeley
David W. Armitage grad student 2010-2016 UC Berkeley (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Richelle Li Tanner grad student 2015-2018 UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Milton K, Armitage DW, Sousa WP. (2019) Successional loss of two key food tree species best explains decline in group size of Panamanian howler monkeys ( Alouatta palliata ) Biotropica. 51: 600-614
Dangremond EM, Feller IC, Sousa WP. (2015) Environmental tolerances of rare and common mangroves along light and salinity gradients. Oecologia
Metz MR, Sousa WP, Valencia R. (2010) Widespread density-dependent seedling mortality promotes species coexistence in a highly diverse Amazonian rain forest. Ecology. 91: 3675-85
Wang L, Sousa WP. (2009) Distinguishing mangrove species with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30: 1267-1281
Krauss KW, Lovelock CE, McKee KL, et al. (2008) Environmental drivers in mangrove establishment and early development: A review Aquatic Botany. 89: 105-127
Sousa WP, Kennedy PG, Mitchell BJ, et al. (2007) Supply-side ecology in mangroves: Do propagule dispersal and seedling establishment explain forest structure? Ecological Monographs. 77: 53-76
Thomsen MA, D'Antonio CM, Suttle KB, et al. (2006) Ecological resistance, seed density and their interactions determine patterns of invasion in a California coastal grassland. Ecology Letters. 9: 160-70
Kennedy PG, Sousa WP. (2006) Forest encroachment into a Californian grassland: examining the simultaneous effects of facilitation and competition on tree seedling recruitment. Oecologia. 148: 464-74
Sousa WP, Quek SP, Mitchell BJ. (2003) Regeneration of Rhizophora mangle in a Caribbean mangrove forest: interacting effects of canopy disturbance and a stem-boring beetle. Oecologia. 137: 436-45
Sousa WP, Kennedy PG, Mitchell BJ. (2003) Propagule size and predispersal damage by insects affect establishment and early growth of mangrove seedlings. Oecologia. 135: 564-75
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