Ralph Larson

Biology San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, United States 
Ecology of Fishes
"Ralph Larson"

I was introduced to marine biology at Occidental College by John Stephens, and worked in his lab with John McCosker, Bob Johnson, and a host of others. From there I went to U.C. Santa Barbara, where I worked on my Master's and Ph.D. degrees with Al Ebeling. There I interacted with a great cohort of fellow students, including Greg Cailliet, Milton Love, Dick Bray, Bill Alevizon, Mark Hixon, Dave Laur, and many others. After bouncing around the country for a while (including a stint working on the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station with Ed DeMartini, Dale Roberts, and others), I landed at San Francisco State, where I taught for 26 years (with a 2 1/2 year break at the NMFS lab in Tiburon, working with Bill Lenarz, Steve Ralston, and others). I had a great time there, and was lucky to have interacted with a bunch of wonderful students.


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Noel Turner research assistant 2001 San Francisco State
Ellen Kosman research assistant 2005 San Francisco State
Tom Calvanese research assistant 2006 San Francisco State
Julie L. Day research assistant 2005-2007 San Francisco State
Cyndi  L. Dawson grad student San Francisco State
Patrick Guillemot grad student 1982 San Francisco State
Randal Orton grad student 1983 San Francisco State
Robert Broadhead grad student 1984 San Francisco State
Jim Kusz grad student 1986 San Francisco State
Jody Zaitlin grad student 1986 San Francisco State
Tom Laidig grad student 1987 San Francisco State
Brian Connich grad student 1988 San Francisco State
Todd Hopkins grad student 1988 San Francisco State
Steve Pace grad student 1988 San Francisco State
Michelle Romero grad student 1988 San Francisco State
Greg Reub grad student 1990 San Francisco State
Jon Amdur grad student 1991 San Francisco State
Keith Sakuma grad student 1992 San Francisco State
Marisa Kendall grad student 1993 San Francisco State
Bill Robbins grad student 1994 San Francisco State
Karen Crow grad student 1995 San Francisco State
Ken Goldman grad student 1996 San Francisco State
Richard Julian grad student 1996 San Francisco State
Jeff McClain grad student 1996 San Francisco State
Larry Wise grad student 1996 San Francisco State
Brad Loos grad student 1997 San Francisco State
Chris McDonough grad student 1997 San Francisco State
Brad Paschal grad student 1997 San Francisco State
Carol Lynn Spencer grad student 1997 San Francisco State
Bernice D'Souza grad student 1998 San Francisco State
Scott Clark grad student 1999 San Francisco State
Noel Johnson Berghout grad student 1999 San Francisco State
Robert Blizard grad student 2000 San Francisco State
Elizabeth Gilbert-Horvath grad student 2000 San Francisco State
Michael O'Farrell grad student 2000 San Francisco State
Martha O. Burford grad student 2001 San Francisco State
John Ross grad student 2001 San Francisco State
Christopher D. Stallings grad student 2002 San Francisco State
Kevin Walters grad student 2002 San Francisco State
Sara Peterson Azat grad student 2003 San Francisco State
Mattias L. Johansson grad student 2004 San Francisco State
Matthew Knope grad student 2004 San Francisco State
Meredith Elliott grad student 2005 San Francisco State
Paul Gundelfinger grad student 2005 San Francisco State
Richard Johnson grad student 2005 San Francisco State
Madhavi Colton Kushner grad student 2005 San Francisco State
Jason Yakich grad student 2005 San Francisco State
Madhavi A. Colton grad student 2002-2005 SFSU
Heather Constable grad student 2006 San Francisco State
Michelle Graves grad student 2006 San Francisco State
Lisa Krigsman grad student 2006 San Francisco State


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Edward DeMartini collaborator 1979-1980
Bill Lenarz collaborator 1981-2006 San Francisco State
Stephen Ralston collaborator 1989-2006 San Francisco State
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Rush EB, Quas JA, Yim IS, et al. (2014) Stress, interviewer support, and children's eyewitness identification accuracy. Child Development. 85: 1292-305
Clark SE, Abbe A, Larson RP. (2006) Collaboration in associative recognition memory: using recalled information to defend "new" judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 32: 1266-73
Gilbert-Horvath EA, Larson RJ, Garza JC. (2006) Temporal recruitment patterns and gene flow in kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens). Molecular Ecology. 15: 3801-15
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