Ralph Larson
Affiliations: | Biology | San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, United States |
Ecology of FishesWebsite:
"Ralph Larson"Bio:
I was introduced to marine biology at Occidental College by John Stephens, and worked in his lab with John McCosker, Bob Johnson, and a host of others. From there I went to U.C. Santa Barbara, where I worked on my Master's and Ph.D. degrees with Al Ebeling. There I interacted with a great cohort of fellow students, including Greg Cailliet, Milton Love, Dick Bray, Bill Alevizon, Mark Hixon, Dave Laur, and many others. After bouncing around the country for a while (including a stint working on the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station with Ed DeMartini, Dale Roberts, and others), I landed at San Francisco State, where I taught for 26 years (with a 2 1/2 year break at the NMFS lab in Tiburon, working with Bill Lenarz, Steve Ralston, and others). I had a great time there, and was lucky to have interacted with a bunch of wonderful students.
Sign in to add mentorJohn S. Stephens Jr | research assistant | Occidental College | |
Al Ebeling | grad student | UC Santa Barbara |
Sign in to add traineeCollaborators
Sign in to add collaboratorEdward DeMartini | collaborator | 1979-1980 | |
Bill Lenarz | collaborator | 1981-2006 | San Francisco State |
Stephen Ralston | collaborator | 1989-2006 | San Francisco State |
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Rush EB, Quas JA, Yim IS, et al. (2014) Stress, interviewer support, and children's eyewitness identification accuracy. Child Development. 85: 1292-305 |
Clark SE, Abbe A, Larson RP. (2006) Collaboration in associative recognition memory: using recalled information to defend "new" judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 32: 1266-73 |
Gilbert-Horvath EA, Larson RJ, Garza JC. (2006) Temporal recruitment patterns and gene flow in kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens). Molecular Ecology. 15: 3801-15 |