Chris Harvey

Conservation Biology NOAA Fisheries, Portland, OR, United States 
"Chris Harvey"
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Liu OR, Ward EJ, Anderson SC, et al. (2023) Species redistribution creates unequal outcomes for multispecies fisheries under projected climate change. Science Advances. 9: eadg5468
Brodie S, Smith JA, Muhling BA, et al. (2022) Recommendations for quantifying and reducing uncertainty in climate projections of species distributions. Global Change Biology
Reum JCP, Williams GD, Harvey CJ, et al. (2020) Trophic ecology of a large-bodied marine predator, bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus, inferred using stable isotope analysis Environmental Biology of Fishes. 103: 147-162
Townsend H, Harvey CJ, deReynier Y, et al. (2019) Progress on Implementing Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management in the United States Through the Use of Ecosystem Models and Analysis Frontiers in Marine Science. 6
Thompson AR, Harvey CJ, Sydeman WJ, et al. (2019) Indicators of pelagic forage community shifts in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, 1998–2016 Ecological Indicators. 105: 215-228
Shelton AO, Harvey CJ, Samhouri JF, et al. (2018) From the predictable to the unexpected: kelp forest and benthic invertebrate community dynamics following decades of sea otter expansion. Oecologia
Hodgson EE, Kaplan IC, Marshall KN, et al. (2018) Consequences of spatially variable ocean acidification in the California Current: Lower pH drives strongest declines in benthic species in southern regions while greatest economic impacts occur in northern regions Ecological Modelling. 383: 106-117
Marshall KN, Kaplan IC, Hodgson EE, et al. (2017) Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections. Global Change Biology
Ferriss BE, Reum JCP, McDonald PS, et al. (2016) Evaluating trophic and non-trophic effects of shellfish aquaculture in a coastal estuarine foodweb Ices Journal of Marine Science. 73: 429-440
Harvey CJ, Reum JCP, Poe MR, et al. (2016) Using Conceptual Models and Qualitative Network Models to Advance Integrative Assessments of Marine Ecosystems Coastal Management. 44: 486-503
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